Tuesday, October 11, 2005

"Doctors challenge baby feeding myths....Ditch the rice cereal and mashed peas, and make way for enchiladas, curry and even -- gasp! -- hot peppers."

Like many new parents, I would constantly flip through the pages of tWhat to Expect the First Year, BabyWise, and other parenting books. As though I was lacking a brain, I would clench to the words of these authors- whom are not all doctors- and abide by these words as if they were LAW.

Why? I am a mom. God entrusted me to rasie HIS child. He gave the gift of instict. I trust HIM. If something isn't right, I think I'll know it. He has never failed me.

I began to trust my insticts when my son was about 2 months old. He never slept. He hated sleep. Sleep was his enemy. And I was miserable.
So of course when people suggested putting rice cereal in a bottle for him, I tried it. I was DESPERATE.

It didn't make a difference. I was not surprised. Had I listened to my gut feeling, I would have never given it to him. It probably made his immature belly hurt more.

Now I get so annoyed when I hear parents suggest the old cereal scenario. "Give him cereal to fill his belly. He'll sleep longer". Yea- becasue his belly is hurting as it tries to digest this food! (IF he even sleeps better!)

I was so grateful to read CNN's article. It makes sense:
'"Parents have lost touch with the notion that these charts are guides, not rules," says Rachel Brandeis, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. "Babies start with a very clean palate and it's your job to mold it."'

"The lack of variety in the American approach also could be a problem. Exposing infants to more foods may help them adapt to different foods later, which Ludwig says may be key to getting older children to eat healthier."

Whether you are a veteran parent or a new one, maybe check out the article.
MAYBE go more with your instincts and less by the book.
I am sure your child with thank you for it. (with a smile? a better-feeling belly?)
Feedback is welcome.


C said...

I found this article to be really interesting. First, it gives us one more reason why we shouldn't bottle feed - because the flavors of what we eat come through in our breastmilk (do you have a hankerin' for Taco Bell? Well, your baby is enjoying that mild sauce, too!).

Then again, the allergists are going to come down pretty hard on this, as well. My daughter, for instance, has no food allergies anywhere in her birth family. However, at 6 months, her foster mom gave her a Gerber Mac & Cheese (which contained wheat and egg) and it landed her in the ER.

Because it had both allergens, it took us two months to determine the exact cause of her reaction.

It will be interesting to watch the debate in the media!

Sharon said...

Your poor daughter!
I'm glad things are more under control.:)

Now if we could just get more pediatricians to admit what was written in the article!