Friday, October 28, 2005

Prison Babies

"Dads may be able to keep babies behind bars ".

The headline of this article definitely caught my attention.
Babies behind bars? Do they mean baby gates?

Oh no!
They mean bars- prison bars, jail bars...Those bars which criminals are kept behind because they do more harm than good among society.

This is ridiculous to me.
Why on earth are prisoners allowed to keep their children with them, in jail?!
Do these parents not surrender their rights to their children when they commit their crimes?
I feel sorry for these kids. Woo-hoo- they get to spend their first year of life behind bars in a dark prison with criminals...Some thieves, some murderers...And this is supposed to be GOOD for them? Yea right!

It struck me even more when I read, "Other recommendations the service is making to the Justice Ministry include more prisons having apartments available for children to visit jailed parents in more congenial surroundings."

What are we teaching these prisoners then? "Go ahead. Do wrong. Break the law! We'll set you up in a nice apt., paid for by taxpayers, and you can live there with your kid!" Sounds more like a reward than a punishment.

Those children deserve more. A LOT more.

Babies in prison- I don't think so!

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