Monday, November 21, 2005

This Doesn't Say much for Michigan

CNN released it's list for the 10 Most Dangerous Cities (based on FBI crime reports)
Wouldn't you know it? Lovely old Detroit came in #2. (So I love outside the 2nd most dangerous city...That makes me feel great!)

2. Detroit, Michigan
Population: 914,353
All violent crimes: 15,913
Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 385
Forcible rape: 719
Robbery: 5,451
Aggravated assault: 9,358
Property crime: 57,415
Burglary: 12,202

As if that isn't bad enough, Michigan is the only state listed with more than one city in the top 10.

4. Flint, Michigan
Population: 120,681
All violent crimes:2,324
Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 39
Forcible rape: 140
Robbery: 473
Aggravated assault: 1,672
Property crime: 7,254
Burglary: 2,477
Larceny/theft: 3,214
Motor vehicle theft: 1,563
Arson: 122

Yeah, this makes me feel slightly unsafe!
At least we had ONE in the 10 safest: Troy, Michigan

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