Friday, December 02, 2005

50 Babies Survive Abortions Annually

That's just in England alone. I'm sure the numbers in the U.S. are higher being that we have more liberal laws.

Just think about that for a moment- at least fifty babies are born each year whose parents tried to kill them before they even had a chance at outside life. It is so disgusting. I'd hope that these babies are given to foster care and not the same parents that were trying to kill them.

And what are these babies to think as they grow older? Thinking alone may be a challenge for most of them. The failed abortion leaves them severely damaged. Brain damage, physical damage.
Yikes. It just makes me feel so sick to think about it. No one deserves to be treated this way.

What gets me in the article is this:
“If a baby is born alive following a failed abortion and then dies (because of lack of care), you could potentially be charged with murder,” she explained.
Well, YES. They should be. It IS murder. It is neglect. How would they feel if they endured even half the pain their baby did from the "procedure"? (and calling it a "procedure"- please. MURDER is MURDER)

One other thing I'd like to point out from the article.
Not too long ago I posted about a new prenatal test that screens for Down Syndrome at 11 weeks into the pregnancy. The article itself stated:
"Screening women before the second trimester allows those who might opt to terminate a pregnancy to make that decision when an abortion is safer and less traumatic."

This current article confirms that.
Check out the statistics:
"According to the Times, abortions performed after 18 weeks of pregnancy rose from 5,166 in 1994 to 7,432 last year. Part of that has to do with the increased use of prenatal tests to diagnose physical and mental disabilities and unborn children with such conditions are routinely aborted."
The Article says part of that has to do with the increase of abortions- I am skeptical. I think a lot of it has to do with the increase.

This post may seem a bit scattered. Over all, what I want readers to take in is the fact that there are many abortions that do not result in death. There are botched abortions. Babies are being born after the abortion is unsuccessful. It is disgusting.

1 comment:

Tom.... said...

sadly, until abortion becomes unprofitable, it will not become illegal in the US of A, no matter what the Republicans try to do or not do...politically, someone said that the Rep. will never take that last step to end legal abortion,because then they would lose a big chip in drawing people to their party...the issue would be gone, and people like me might swing back to the Dem side, which is where my heritage lies....