Tuesday, December 06, 2005

And now a Walgreens Boycott

BELLEVILLE, Ill. (CNA) - The firing of four
Illinois-based Walgreens pharmacists over their failure to dispense abortion
drugs, has sparked a call for a nationwide boycott of the drugstore, and gained
the backing of a local Catholic diocese.

Apparently these pharmacists refused to give out the morning after pill. They felt they couldn't do it in good conscience.
So what happens? They get fired. For trying to protect human life.
And society just doesn't get it.
People would rather have doctors and pharmacists that don't care about their well-being, their actual health (including emotional), and the unborn. People would rather have those that pay no attention to what is right, and those that ignore their conscience, if they even have one.
It is so screwed up. We are firing people for following an oath they took when they beginning their profession. Because it all of a sudden inconveniences someone, we fire them.
Why couldn't that woman go to another store? Or better yet, why couldn't she just be responsible and keep her pants zipped? That may sound crude, but it is the truth. If we go back to practicing sexual self-control, there would be such a decrease not only in the sale of these pills, but also abortions and diseases.
But oh no, let's not promote that. It's not as much fun as sexual promiscuity. It's not as much fun as not knowing if you caught an STD or not, or deciding if your unborn baby is worth a chance at life. It's apparently not as much fun as feeling suicidal because of the result of an abortion. Or depression.

So should we boycott Walgreens? It makes sense. I prefer to support places that don't view human life as something we can just kill off. It makes for quite a challenge, given the number of stores that support Planned Parenthood and things like the morning after pill.
I don't normally shop at Walgreens. I can't say that it is a huge issue for me.
But I can promise that I will be contacting Walgreens and expressing my support for those pharmacists. I will call until someone listens. And although I am only one, maybe it will show them that some people appreciate people like those pharmacists. We appreciate life.

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