Or should I say "holiday" card?
I didn't think this was an issue until I was listening to the Christian radio station I like yesterday, and then again when the annual White House Christmas card appeared in the news via multiple sources.
Apparently some folk are upset that the card does not have the word Christmas in it. Look at this year's card.
There is a Bible verse. It refers to Christ.
Personally, I don't see what the problem is. There are other holidays than Christmas- among them Holy Days of obligation, New Year's, etc.
Sure, it'd be nice to be wished a "Merry Christmas", but if someone wishes me a Happy Holiday, I take it to mean the holiday which I celebrate. Being a Christian, that includes Christmas.
What's the big deal? We know Bush will be celebrating Christmas. Wishing us a Happy Holiday does not change that. It really seems like people are just looking for things to criticize and complain about.
From The Washington Times,
"I think it's absolutely appalling for [conservatives] toI have to agree.
make a brouhaha over this," said former White House social secretary and
etiquette guru Letitia Baldridge. "It's a beautiful card with a really lovely
message and quotes from the Bible. How religious do they want it to be?"
While I feel that stored being banned from wishing customers a Merry Christmas is ridiculous and offensive (they'd never be banned from mentioning Ramadan or something of the sort...), I also realize that this greeting is different. It is not the same thing. Bush is not denying the meaning of Christmas or trying to take Christ out of it- he is wishing us a joyous holiday season- and some things we know are a part of that- for our President and Christians, that includes Christmas.
I tend to favor some points from the San Francisco Chronicle:
"Many people are thrilled to get a White House Christmas card, no matter what the greeting inside. But some conservative Christians are reacting as if Bush stuck coal in their stockings."
Unfortunately, it seems true.
And I also find this to be a bit unacceptable:
Bush "claims to be a born-again, evangelical Christian. But
he sure doesn't act like one," said Joseph Farah, editor of the conservative Web
site WorldNetDaily.com. "I threw out my White House card as soon as I got
So is he going to throw out the rest of the cards he gets that wish him happy holidays? Or is he just nitpicking Bush?
Once again, something that I tended to be shorter in nature has become quite lengthy on my blog. I can't help it- the more I read about these people bashing Bush for this, the more irked I feel. And I support Bush. I am a more conservative Christian than not. But come on. There is enough trouble out there- do we really need to go looking for it?
Merry Christmas and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all!
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