Usually recognized on March 19th, we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph today as the 19th was a Sunday.
I'd like to share with you an excerpt from today's homily by Father Frank E. Jindra:
(courtesy of Catholic Exchange)
Joseph had to wait for the redemption that Jesus was
to bring. And I believe it was probably the most painful waiting of his life.
Since we believe that Joseph died before Jesus, what would that reunion have
been like? There, in Sheol, father and Son embrace, and all the dreams of a
lifetime are fulfilled!
We can only
imagine that moment of joy, but how sweet it must have been.
What an amazing example St. Jospeh is of trusting in God's plan.
Happy St. Joseph's Day!
1 comment:
Sharon, I left you a reply (about Seton Hall/Seton Home School) at "A Catholic Life" (Moneybags' blog).
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