We had a great vacation in Myrtle Beach!
Best of all was seeing my family. My son went right to them and remembered them. (I was impressed-for a 2 year old who only sees them maybe twice a year, since they live 700 miles away!) He was so cute with his little cousins.
The flights were good. Some turbulence on the way back that made me nervous, but over all fine. My husband and I were both impressed with the service from Spirit Air. It was our first time flying with them, and we will definitely fly with them again. They were great!
Myrtle Beach was very hot and humid, of course. The ocean was gorgeous. It rained our first night there-pretty hard, but short-lived storm. It felt weird, though, because our cottage is built on stilts- we could feel the cottage sway a little with the storm. That took some getting used to. (houses here in the Midwest are not built on stilts...We have basements)
It was my big boy's first time seeing the ocean. He loved the sand, but not being in the ocean. He would get irritated when the waves would push away his toys. LOL. It was cute. He loved the pools, though.
Aside from swimming, we went to Family Kingdom amusement park. Grandma & Pop-pop treated the little ones, and my little man sure had fun!
We also went to Barefoot Landing and walked around there. Behind it we were able to walk along the inter-coastal waterway and see the boats. We got there as the sun was setting; it was beautiful! I'll post the picture. If we ever have enough money to be comfortable, I'd love a boat.
Oh! And how could I forget! Ds went "poopoo" on the potty for the first time there! If you're not a parent, you may not understand this excitement. I assure you it's worth smiling over. ;) In fact, since it was his first time, we got him a reward- a Thomas beach towel.
Hmmm. Can't think of much else. It's the first time I didn't get sun-burned in years (SPF 50!) Ds didn't get burned, either. :) We ate too much junk food and drank too much Coke/Pepsi. I gained weight, but completely don't care right now. It's good to be home, but sure stinks to come home to bills, cooking, & cleaning.
Now I just need to get ds back into his schedule, and catch up on the blogworld!
Oh, I know how it feels to be home from a good vacation... and how it is to eat & drink too much on vacation, too! Hope it's nice for you to get back to normal (and back to blogging, too!)
Glad you are home and you had a great time! I'd give anything for a nice vacation! Lucky duck!
Ah, the swaying of a house on stilts during a thunderstorm... That takes a lot of time to get used to--trust me!! I'll take the swaying any day, though, to ensure that my house will survive one of those 20 ft. tall storm surges from a hurricane.
The inter-coastal waterway is a sight, isn't it?? I'm so blessed to be able to see it everyday.
Congratulations to you and your DS on his first potty "poopoo"!! :)
I'm glad that you and your family had a great vacation!
Thanks everyone. :)
It's good to be back. We're still catching up on our energy, but it was worth it.
Amy-we are lucky to have taken a vacation. This was our first one since our honeymoon, and with all that's happened this year, it was much needed! (miscarriage, Grandma being diagnosed w/ cancer, uncle/godfather passing away). It was great to be surrounded by family and get a change of scenery.
I think we all should get a vacation each year! ;)
Greg- I am always surprised to hear that a storm surge wouldn't knock down a house on stilts. I always think in my head that the strength of water & wind would out-do typical stilts. I can see NOT, but it's something I don't really "get". lol. I guess it's like all things-after time you get used to it.
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