Friday, July 07, 2006

Study: Vaccines Not Linked to Autism

What the article actually mentions is Autism and thimerosal.
The study examined outcomes among 28,000 children in
Quebec, exposed to different dosages of the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
vaccine and vaccines containing the mercury-based preservative thimerosal.
Researchers found no relationship between MMR vaccine exposure, thimerosal
exposure and autism rates.

It continues:
MMR vaccines have never contained mercury, but it has
still been believed by some to be a possible cause of autism.

So they stated the MMR vaccine has never contained mercury, yet they mentioned prior that they studied the MMR vaccine with thimerosal? So which is it? Doesn't seem like a very conclusive "study" to me.

I don't feel it's accurate to rule out vaccines and the connection with Autism in total, especially when thimerosal is only one of the ingredients. It bugs me that the news and media sources focus so much on thimerosal. It's not just thimerosal that's an issue. It's a combination of many of the other ingredients that cause concern. And it's about many issues, not just autism.
Take a look:
formaldehyde (main ingredient in anti-freeze). "Formaldehyde has caused cancer in laboratory animals and may cause cancer in humans; there is no known threshold level below which there is no threat of cancer." No known threshold level, but we can go ahead and inject into our babies? Why?
sorbitol (artificial sweetener, similar to found in diet beverages...Which people correlate to cancer) " ingestion of sorbitol can cause a range of gastrointestinal problems, including diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating. Sorbitol can also aggravate irritable bowel syndrome and fructose malabsorption." So again here, vaccines contain ingredients that lead to problems other than autism.
hydrolized gelatin (allergen)
& others
chick embryo
human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue
continuous line of monkey kidney cells

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