Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Five Positive Things Meme

OK, I'm not big on memes, but after seeing this on both blogs of Confessions of a Hot Carmel Sundae and Ramblings of a GOP Soccer Mom, I decided to give it a go. It's a good one, after all.

Five things I love about my spouse:
1. He is extremely patient.
2. He is a good Catholic.
3. He is tall and handsome. :)
4. He is an amazing father.
5. He always puts his family first.

Five things I love about other family members:
1. My son always makes me smile. (have you ever seen a 2 year old flex his muscles? What's NOT to smile about?!)
2. My parents passed on their strong faith to me.
3. My mother was always willing to play hide & seek, even when I was in college!
4. My sister is my best friend. We can talk about nothing for hours.
5. My brothers are good protectors. They don't show it, but they care. And they are good men. I can rely on them.

Five things I'm proud of in people I love:
1. My husband is constantly working on improving our life. He does hard work without making it look too hard.
2. My father earned his PhD, but admits the bulk of his knowledge came from life experiences.
3. My nephew is one creative cookie. (he's writing horror flicks)
4. My goddaughter is very smart. She is beautiful inside and out. Always on the honor roll.
5. My son already knows how to comfort people when they are sad. He's two. He's amazing.

Five happy memories I have about people I love:
1. When my husband and I started dating, right away I made him say I'm the boss. (me).
2. Once two of my brothers found out I was talking on the phone w/ a boy. So they followed me to the skating rink to watch him around me-only they were dressed in trench coats and dark sunglasses. I was in 7th grade.
3. Driving from Austria to Switzerland with my parents in college. We went through extremely long, curvey tunnels. At one point my dad was astounded at how dark it was in the tunnels- and then he took off his sunglasses.
4. We're a big game family. But we're competitive. My brothers used to camp out next to the Risk board to make sure no one would cheat.
5. I was a freshman in college and had to have blood drawn. I hated it and felt sick and nervous. To try and make me feel better, my brother tried to comfort me by telling me we all have to do things we don't like. He told me "for example, Sharon, I don't like green beans, but sometimes I have to eat them!"

Five things I want to thank God for:
1. Being alive today
2. My husband and son. I love my little family. And of course our baby in heaven.
3. That my parents taught me to pray from day one.
4. Good in-laws. They truly treat me like their own daughter.
5. Being surrounded by family and friends that share our beliefs and values.

Tagged: if you read my blog, go for it!

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