Thursday, August 17, 2006

How do you receive Communion?

Not trying to strike up controversy or anything, but I'm wondering--do you receive the Holy Eucharist on the tongue directly, or in your hand?

I have always received in my hands. I don't remember if I was taught that way or not. I only receive on tongue when I absolutely have to. For whatever reason, I don't feel that comfortable receiving on the tongue directly. I suppose I should work on this.

I checked out A Catholic Life today and came across his Communion post, Stop Holy Communion in the Hand. It really made me wonder why I am not comfortable with receiving in the mouth, and if the hand truly is inferior to receiving directly on the tongue.
I share this with you from his blog post:

Why Tongue?
-Emphasizes the uniqueness of Holy Food as compared to ordinary food.
-Emphasizes the uniqueness of the ordained priest touching the Sacred Species.
-Emphasizes the presence of Christ feeding His flock, and fosters humility.
-Gives a strong sense of identification with the past Catholics and Saints on the tongue from time immemorial.
-Minimized the danger of the Sacred Host being dropped or ignored.
-Fosters a sense of unity in the Liturgy.
-Reaffirms the facts that Holy Orders is a Sacrament that ordains a man to the priesthood.
-Expresses complete obedience to the Church. (Challenge, Fr. F. Heuser 1992)

*I would like to note that Moneybags linked this post from Life on the Rock.


Renee said...

Both is acceptable at my parish as long as you obvious with the placing of your hands as the receive Communion, also if may request only a blessing by folding your arms and keeping your mouth closed. Usually the blessing is for children who have not received the Sacrament, my children seem upset if they don't get "anything" so the blessing is nice.

Usually I do the hand unless I'm carrying a baby in my arms I take by mouth.

My concern is the Eucharist not being completely taken, which is why I think by mouth is better but I don't think by hand makes it any less.

Stacey said...

I know I'm not Catholic and all, but does it really matter, as long as you're actually receiving Communion? I'd be wholly uncomfortable with my tongue touching a finger that dozens of tongues had just recently touched. I know that priests try to avoid that, but I reckon they can't always help it.

Greg said...

I have always received the Eucharist in my hand.

While in RCIA, my pastor told us about the proper way to receive. He said that although both are fully acceptable, he preferred reception by hand (when conducted in the proper manner, of course).

PB said...

After sitting through a lengthy conversation regarding both methods of reception, I have only received on the tongue since. It isn’t that the hand is bad, it is just as Greg said, when done properly, and not everyone does it properly. I for one cannot guarantee that I will always do it properly, and since it is the body of Christ I am dealing with, I am just not willing to take that chance, so the tongue it is!

Sir Galen of Bristol said...

I receive communion on the tongue.

Matthew said...

Note: The link in the main post has changed. The post on A Catholic Life has been moved here:

Anonymous said...

I have ALWAYS received with my mouth. I have always believed it to be the most reverent method.

This Sunday I was SCOLDED by the priest for doing so. :o(