Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Does your public school district support 'intelligent design'?

Michigan just voted against it. Not that we would've sent our son to the public schools where we lived, but I feel even better about moving out of state now.

What makes me snicker is the part of the article regarding Governor Granholm:
Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who is Roman Catholic, said Michigan schools need to teach evolution in science classes and not include intelligent design. She said school districts can explore intelligent design in current events or comparative religions classes.

In what ways does she act Roman Catholic? She is not pro-life. She does not support intelligent design. In fact, she has voted only in favor of science. And saying we can save intelligent design for comparative religion classes...Please. There are no such things in the public school systems, and those kids need to learn the Truth. Not only hear half the facts from the science end.

1 comment:

Renee said...

Science can't prove evolution. If anything I think DNA proves we all come from one woman.