Saturday, December 30, 2006

2006-Looking Back

It's hard to believe we're already approaching 2007. 2007! Wasn't it just yesterday we were all hyped up about the millennium?

I always enjoy recapping the year. So here you have it. My fragmented version of 2006:
-We gained two beautiful nieces this year, one on my side of the family and one on hubby's.
-We lost family members as they went Home. My maternal grandmother, my uncle/godfather, and our 2nd little angel. God rest their souls. We miss you!

-We had a mini-reunion with my side of the family in Myrtle Beach. It was great to have everyone together.

-We witnessed several of our friends uniting in marriage. What a beautiful Sacrament to witness!

-We enjoyed watching The Steelers win the Super Bowl!
-We went down to one car. Surprisingly, we don't miss having a 2nd car too much!

-I quit my p/t job at CVS and started online tutoring.
-Hubby started a higher position job with Time Warner. :)
-The job relocated us. Our first out-of-state move!

-We entered a new town to call home, and we expanded our family once again! We're now 24 weeks pregnant, due in April.

God has blessed us this past year, and He has also shown us suffering. Opportunities to grow closer to Him have been plentiful.

I love the saying a friend passed on to me, "If we feel distant from God, who is the one that moved away?"

I wish you and your loved ones a Happy 2007! May God surround you with His blessings and good health!


Greg said...

Happy New Year!!

Sharon said...

Thanks. Same to you! :)