Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Santa Pictures Through the Years

Adventures in Babywearing and friends are sharing Santa pictures. I've decided to play along! It may seem like overload, but I'm just fortunate right now to have all my Santa pictures in one folder. :) You can see, too, how my big boy has grown through the years. The above picture is Aidan'sFirst Christmas, 2004.
Pictured above is his 2nd Chritsmas, 2005.

Again, above is the 2nd Chritsmas picture, this time showing him happy. (blurry, but happy)

Above is this year's official picture taken at the mall. He is 2.5 years old.

Another one from this year! We happened to be out and Santa was there, pictures were free. (it was outdoors, a little cold!)

If you decide to play along and share your Santa pictures, leave me a comment! Merry Christmas!


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

That first Santa looks like he's asleep! And oh my goodness is that the cutest outfit ever your little guy has on!? Those are great pics! I could only find 1- no idea where the others went!

Sharon said...

Thanks. :)
I loved his first Christmas outfit, too. It's the only one he was dressed up for. (we dress him up for church, but didn't the other pics)
I haven't even gotten his Christmas outfit yet for this year!

Amy said...

Awww . . . I love those! I lady I used to babysit for had a bunch that she would put out every year. Really neat. We did one when my oldest was two and then nothing until this year. Need to keep going! They are great!

Sharon said...

Thanks for stopping by, Amy! Merry Christmas!
Are you going to post your santa picture? I love seeing the pictures when there are siblings, too. (I can't wait until next year's picture when we'll have two boys!)

Greg said...

Love the pics!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

O! said...


Merry Christmas and God bless!