Literally. ;)

Saturday we went to the zoo, meeting up with our local
NINO group (you know, a bunch of babywearing mamas & their families). The weather was surprisingly perfect and it was a fun, exhausting day!

Brennan slept most of the time in the wrap. (thank goodness!)

Aidan had fun seeing the animals, riding the train, seeing "Nemo" in the aquarium, and of course, playing at the playground there.

He even went into the petting zoo. Though I'm not a big fan of petting zoos, it was pretty cute watching him run around with a bunch of baby goats. *grin*

We didn't stay with the babywearing group most of the time, but it was neat when we were all together. People would glance at us and quickly figure out that we actually had BABIES in there. Some would comment that it was cool, and others would give a look like "that's just ridiculous! Get a stroller!" Oh well. To each his own. My kids were happy, so I was happy.

I have to say, too, that I am very impressed with my husband. He wore Brennan the second half of the trip so I could keep up with Aidan. A few women complimented him (rightfully so). For the second time, a person did say
"what, is he pregnant?". That annoys me! A dad can't care for his baby? A dad can't wear his baby, too? Thank God my husband doesn't care. He said he's happy to care for Brennan, and he likes wearing him. I think a lot of those 2 separate comments has to do with that generation. Each time it was a man in his 60's or so. That's my parents' generation. I know in their day, it was considered a "woman's job" to tend to the children and do all that that entitles. maybe I am wrong, but it's what I figure.
Anyone else have experience with those comments?
Sorry for the tangent there. Back on topic, it was a fun trip to the zoo!

What beautiful babywearing mamas--not to mention lovely children!
I know this post was mainly about babywearing, but I have to go off on my own tangent and say, "Man you are gettin' skinny fast, Lady!!" You look like you did at your wedding--two kids later!!!!!!!!!! These pics are soooo cute! And I LOVE it that Pat wears Brennan--doesn't it seem like the "NORMAL" thing to do to you?? People are idiots!
Thanks. :)
And Jen-thanks for the compliment. I'm working hard at it, but unfortunately looks are still deceiving! I WANT to look like I did at my wedding....*sigh*.
Maybe soon.
Great pictures. I love your wrap. RED - WOW! My favorite. So, what company did you go with for your babywrap? BTW, you do look great. I found babywearing helped lose some of the extra post-baby pounds. ;-)
Hi Carol,
Thanks for stopping by! It's always great to hear from you. :)
My wrap is a moby wrap. It was actually given to us by a friend. However, se bought it from
It's a lifesaver! Brennan is at a point now where he calms down at the SIGHT of the wrap. I call it his "red friend". lol.
Do you make wraps or slings, Carol?
No, I don't sew, although my mother does. She sewed my and my sister's wedding and prom dresses. :-) The company where I bought my last couple of slings has closed, so I am always on the look-out for another place to get slings.
I am soooo glad you and Brennan like babywearing. In my experience, it makes early walkers and early independence.
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