Friday, April 25, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway Time!

*This is a sticky post. It will remain the top post until this Friday. Scroll down for newer posts.

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

Guilt was eating at me for entering some of these great giveaways, and not offering something at the same time. So here you have it-my second time participating in the Bloggy Giveaway Carnival! (it's pretty fun, anyway:)

The prize: DVD of FRIENDS-The One With All The Birthdays. This DVD includes 6 episodes, ranging from season 2-season 10. It is brand new-never been opened.

How to Enter: Leave me a comment. That's it! Maybe share with me one of your favorite TV shows. Make it somewhat interesting.

Rules: You have until this Friday, April 25th, to enter. At 11:00 EST I will close the contest, count the entries, then figure out the winner. Of course, you need to leave me your blog site or e- mail address so I can contact you.
I will mail to anyone in the Continental U.S. (sorry if that doesn't include you!)

More fun: Go here to check out all of the other contests going on this week. Seriously, there are over 300! And you don't have to host your own giveaway to participate, nor do you need to have your own blog. Go have some fun and try to win things!


Stacy said...

my favorite show is Lost which isn't to interesting. But I love to watch Jon and Kate plus 8 marathons

Erin said...

I love the show How I met your Mother, so funny! It kind of took the place of friends when it went off air. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

My favorite show is Lost, but I loved Friends when it was still on! My sister loves Friends, and I would soooo love to win this for her, her birthday is in June, and that would make an awesome present!!!

Sue said...

where's knots landing dvds?? :(

Britni said...

I watched all of the episodes of friends on DVD my sophomore year of college and even bought the last season the day it came out because I was so obsessed. Pick me!

Ronnica said...

That's a fun DVD. My old roommate had it.

My favorite TV show is Gilmore Girls. My favorite that is still on the air is The Office.

The Mom Jen said...

It's actually Friends! I DVR it and watch it daily!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Friends will always be my favorite show. Have most of the seasons on DVD and watch at least one episode every night before bed.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love Gilmore Girls. :)

Suz said...

Friends used to be a favorite of mine, but now it's Grey's Anatomy.

Nise' said...

Love friends! My favorite show right now is Lost.

Maureen said...

Favorite show?? Ummm.....FRIENDS!!

Momof4 said...

Friends is my hubby's favorite classic. I'd love to win this for him. I like Friends, but my favorites are Lost, Monk, and House of Babies.

Anonymous said...

Well, one of my favorite shows right now is "New Amsterdam" on fox. It's the story of a guy who will be immortal until he finds his true love. Maybe not as funny as "Friends" but I still enjoy it :) thanks for the giveaway.

Emily said...

Monk, Psych, Survivor, Beauty and the Geek, Jon and Kate Plus 8, Lost, Heroes, 30 Rock, Dancing with the Stars. I could go on and on and on. But, I do enjoy Friends, too! Thanks for offering it!


Bethany said...

YAY, Friends!!!!! I love this tv show, but you already knew that! ;) Can't wait to check out some of the other giveaways :D

Shane H. said...

I still miss Friends. Another of my favorites was "Mad About You." And, I'm still watching ER!

brooke said...

I really liked Mad About You and I also like Lost. I used to like Alias before it got all kooky...

Anonymous said...

I have tons of favorite shows! My most favorite are Lost, Psych on USA, and the West Wing dvds of course...good TV!

M.E. said...

My fav show right now is The Office. I love Friends! Enter me, too!

Hootyboosmom said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for offering! I love Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice!

Stephanie said...

My favorite show was Gilmore Girls unfortunately they lost it :( but I have some dvds. Thanks for the great contest.

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

If I had to pick my favorite show, I suspect I would actually pick Friends. Of things that are still running new episodes, I would say Grey's Anatomy.

Anonymous said...

I love The Office... The characters are great and the writing is just spot-on funny.

Nadine said...

I love Friends! I watch it everyday. My other favorite right now is Two & 1/2 Men. I love the male outlook.

Liz said...

I love Friends! I wish it was still on (new episodes that is!) I also love ER and Gilmore Girls!

Tammy said...

Heroes, - where are you come back my beloved Heroes.

flip said...

My favorite new show is Samantha Who. I love the main character, but all of the other characters are great. Jean Smart makes me laugh so hard.

phxbne said...

I love reality - Amazing Race, Survivor, Top Chef, etc - but none of the bachelor stuff....Thanks for your giveaway!

GrowingRopers said...

FRIENDS is so FUNNY! i love to watch re-runs when i just need to vedge!

jenn7 said...

Friends is one of my all time favorite shows! Since there are no more new episodes, another great substitute is The Office - too funny!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this show!

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the giveway. I miss Friends. One of my fave shows right now is Battlestar Galactica - yeah it totally rocks!

Anonymous said...

My fave TV show is Firefly. It was sooo good, why'd they cancel it? Q_Q

Kristi said...

I don't think I have a favorite show right now but my favorite Friends episode will always be the one with Ross trying to take the couch up the stairs shouting "PIVOT" Thanks for the entry...I hope I win...we could use a laugh around here.

noreen said...

lost and intervention

Anonymous said...

I'd love to add this to my DVD collection. My fave TV show is House, M.D.

Sarah said...

Right now our favorite TV series is House. Since there are no new shows on right now, we are addicted to NCIS, which we have caught on marathons on USA network. We currently have about 25 on our TIVO!

Thanks for a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Right now I'm LOVING "The Big Bang Theory." It actually reminds me a few guys I went to college with (um, yeah, I was kind of a geek.) It cracks me up.

World's Greatest Mommy said...

Love Friends,and I'm addicted to Ugly Betty right now. It comes back tonight!

tetewa said...

My two favorite shows are Lost and Supernatural, which both come back on tonight!

holly K said...

I like to watch the food network. I also like Lost and Prison Break. cookiecutter72 AT hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My favorite show is ER. I used to be a complete tv junkie on thursday evenings, but now it's pretty much just the office and er

Suzie Williams said...

My favorite show is Heroes. My fiance loves Friends though. I've only seen a few episodes.

Ginny said...

Friends was always a favorite. Charmed has been my all time favorite show though.

Tiffany said...

My favorite used to be Friends, then it was cancelled. So then my favorite was Sex and the City, so it was cancelled. I am now stuck on Lost which has to end soon!

Thank you for doing this giveaway.
Tiffany Rosson
tiffanyannrosson AT yahoo DOT com

Tracey said...

I love friends. We have the board game and we play it all the time.

BlondeBlogger said...

My favorite show is Big Brother and I'm so sad it's ending soon. I LOVE Friends too and wish it was still on. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

rebecca said...

I absolutely love The Office! Makes me laugh so hard!

gitrecca (at)gmail (dot)com

Alaina said...

Friends is actually one of my favorites along with Seinfeld, The Office, and Scrubs!

Unknown said...

I was a huge Friends fan so this would be great. Thanks1

Anonymous said...

GREAT giveaway!

My favorite TV shows are the Biggest Loser and Survivor

Hey, if you have a chance, please stop by and visit my contest page too!

my email is:
racoo.smith at gmail dot com

Thanks and have a lovely day!

Redheadmamaof7boys said...

Hi Sharon-- Thanks for visiting my blog! I'll have to take more time to look at yours later this weekend!

Anyway-- My favorite show is Super Nanny. Watching all those really naughty kids gives me a boost-- makes me feel like a good mom! LOL! I also love her style and advice.

I also like Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Biggest Loser, Wifeswap and Monk.

redheadmama at blogspot--
better known as Katie

Telima said...

I love Friends! I didn't discover it until much later because my mother didn't like it at all, but it's such a funny show. My email address is in my Blogger profile, just in case I win!

Anonymous said...

I love Smallville.I haven't seen Friends. Shocking, I know.

mom [at] theparentingdiaries dot com

Anonymous said...

I loved Remington Steel -- wow, I just recalled that from the 80's!

grace [at] sandierpastures dot com

Bebemiqui said...

I'm a fan of "House". Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com

Jinxy and Me said...

Great prize! I love Friends. A sitcom I like right now is "The New Adventures of Old Christine". Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Love Grey's Anatomy
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

valmg said...

We loved Friends and still watch it in reruns. We also liked Joey, but it got canceled.

Jodi said...

My favorite right now is Jon and Kate Plus 8! I can't get enough of that adorable family!

Thanks so much for the giveaway!

AudreyO said...

American Idol is my favorite show. But, my daughters and I have seen every episode of Friends multiple times.

Anonymous said...

i loved friends. my favorite right now is lost

Anonymous said...

My hubby and I watch reruns of Friends a lot. It reminds us of our dating years....we used to watch it religiously! Right now we're hooked on LOST. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

my favorite shows right now are The Office and LOST.

gotfire (at) yahoo (dot) com