Tuesday, July 15, 2008


That's what I've done to myself since the beginning of May.

I was doing so well maintaining my weight (even losing a little more). I was tracking what I ate, walking with my i-pod 3-4 nights a week, and toning with one of the All-Star Workouts I love.
Then my birthday came, my parents' visited, and I lost my willpower. I excused myself over & over again.
But my parents left. So what did I do? I made a new excuse, telling myself I'd get back on track once my sister & her family had visited.
Yet again I failed.

The crazy thing is that I know I get down in the dumps when I don't treat my body well. I know it. I feel icky physically, then I beat myself up mentally. Add it all together and it's not a happy person walking around. Yet I continue to do it.

One of my biggest challenges is emotional eating. I never realized it before, but after my family leaves from visiting, I get pretty down. I forget just how much I miss all of them, living near them and participating in the day-to-day activities. So they leave, I miss it all and get a little depressed, then sink myself even lower.
From that I feel even worse because I let myself go, etc etc.
You see the picture here?

Finally I have reached the point, yet again, where I am disgusted enough with myself to get back on track. I've started journaling what I eat again, planning meals, and buying healthy.
I've done OK these past two days. Not great, but better.

Won't you all help me stay accountable?


Jennifer said...

Want me to send over some of those healthy recipes I promised about six months ago to help get you started? It always helps to have those healthy menu plans all worked out!

You can do it! You've done it before and it always seems more daunting before you get strted :o)

I'll cheer you on! (YOU make ME go back to Yoga!!)

Sharon said...

Get TO YOGA NOW!!!!!

How's that? Like you have anything to worry about, though. You're always Ms. Skinny. ;)

Sue said...

ummmm......did I eat THAT much junk visiting???? (yes!) well, I'm spending $69 a month at a gym & have nothing to show for it but a dent in our checkbook! (but Haleigh does love the martial arts class :))

Jennifer said...

Ha ha ha! :o) Thanks! But no way am I Miss Skinny---Maybe Miss Tall or Miss Dressed-Well-To-Cover-The-Cellulite--LOL!

Or you can just tell me to go to Yoga b/c I am Miss Perpetual-Fibromyalgia-Sufferer....Then we can leave the weight issue alone and just feel better :oD

Mojavi said...

the only thing I believe in anymore is exercising... it sucks when my family leaves too, you realize all your missing out on and it SUCKS...