Two months from tomorrow is Aidan's first day of preschool.
Two weeks from tomorrow is his first visit to the dentist. (yea, yea, I should have taken him sooner)
Today was his third tee-ball game. (& he's still making more sandcastles during the game than home runs...)
We've been increasingly busy, squeezing in things here or there as we can.
Like yesterday. Busy and stressful.
We rushed to get to Story Time at our library, which was at 10:00. The teacher this session is
Because of all that, I didn't want to keep him from the library yesterday. We rushed there, made it in time, but at 10:30 I had to pull Aidan out early so we could make it to his 10:50 doctor's appointment. We were going for his school physical.
Now, normally Brennan wants to go down for his nap around 9:45/10:00, so he was already getting over-tired before we got to the doctor's office. It didn't help that we had to wait roughly 30 minutes before being called back. Grrr. The nurse was with us right away. After doing her part-vision screening, weight, height, blood pressure-we continued to wait in that prison-cell-sized-room for nearly another 25 minutes or so. By the time the doctor actually came in, Aidan & Brennan were both overtired, hungry, crabby, and restless. Not to mention I was feeling the same way. Oh how I love doctors' appointments with both kids. (we really need to find a sitter)
Despite the waiting, the appointment went well. The purpose behind it was a physical required for preschool. Aidan is about 43 inches tall, and still under 40 pounds. (lol) He is so much like his daddy. He has 20/20 vision and identifies his numbers, letters, and shapes well. The one thing the doctor considered problematic was Aidan's speech, which I expected. My problem was that I've been thinking like a parent, and not a teacher. It clicked when the doctor said his speech issue could affect his peer interaction in school. Consequently, he referred us to a speech therapist.
Thinking of those potential problems with peer interaction, I'd like to get him to the speech therapist. The problem is it's covered under our insurance as a specialist, meaning it's $30 per visit. With the typical speech therapy schedule, we'd be looking at $120+ a month! That's a lot of money. In fact, it's more than his preschool tuition.
We don't know yet what we'll do. I'd like to try and send him for one month, monitoring his progress after that amount of time. I suppose we could wait until he's in 1st grade, then it's covered by the school. I don't feel that comfortable with that, though. *SIGH* The school-related stress has already begun at the young age of 4.
That's the j
I'm looking forward to the next few days. Pat's birthday, 4th of July, family time and grilling out...I hope it will a nice few days of much needed down time. Hopefully the four of us, too.
Sharon, speech therapy could be covered through the public school anyway! it doesnt matter if he goes there for preschool or not. i'm gonna call you cause this is gonna be a long comment, lol
Check with your county's health department or school department - they might have a state-funded early intervention program. That's what Ace was in before we went private.
Otherwise, stick with every other week and study what the speech therapist does, and do it yourself the rest of the week. It doesn't really matter how often the therapist comes if you're not working with him too.
Andy had this same problem when he was Aidan's age--did you know that? We always wonder if it will "pass down" to any of our children. Andy's was much worse than Aidan's--people couldn't even understand him at all! ST worked wonders for him. The social thing is hard, isn't it? You don't want your kid to be picked on, but you still want them to feel good about who they are. Parenting is so tough...You feel your own pain AND theirs! If you want me to ask for any advice on the speech therapy, I can ask my aunt (my 8-yr old cousin was in speech therapy for a looong time!) or my mil about their experiences--Just let me know! My prayers are with you!
I would try & wait too. I would get his teachers opinion also. I had to take speech therapy in kindergarten.
The boys are growing up sooo fast! P.S. It's my mom's birthday tomorrow too! Kinda fun!
Love the picture of you two, it's very cute. Wow, not long and Landen will be that same age. It makes me nervous. I wanted to tell you I really like reading about you guys getting ready for preschool. I'm so nervous about that, afraid of so many things regarding school and it doesn't help that my mom says things about schools (not meaning too) that freaks me out.
I don't know anything about speech things. I wish the best for you guys and that you are able to find a good solution. I don't know what I'd do. Probably keep him home. LOL!
I wish I had a sitter sometimes - but I have serious trust issues and can't/won't find anyone. My siblings and parents are the only people I'll leave the kids with and unfortunately they live forever away. =(
What am I going to do for Kurt's high school graduation? I can't leave Amelia.. she'll only be a year. AHHHH!
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