Aidan and I decided to go play a round of putt putt golf last Friday, he was the one who actually decided this, reminding me every few minutes, just to be on the safe side making sure I wouldn't forget. We decided to go right after dinner, it was cute, he finished his dinner so quickly. We got there and walked into the office where Aidan was super excited to see some yellow golf balls and putters, yellow (or as he pronounces it.. lellow) is his favorite color!
We headed to the usual ice cream spot and Aidan proudly requested blue sprinkles to the girl behind the window. Sitting on the picnic table enjoying his ice cream he was very smiley and telling his usual "you know what Daddy?... OATMEAL!" jokes! (Aidan's "joke" has been saying oatmeal for some time now, we don't know why but he thinks it's hilarious). Then as we are getting ready to head home he goes up to the service window of the ice cream place, I'm right behind him wondering what he's doing and trying to get him to walk with me to the car, a teenage guy opens the window and looks at Aidan as he laughs and asks the guy if they sell oatmeal! I couldn't stop laughing, seeing as how Aidan had just played a practical joke on the guy! The ice cream place employee just politely smiled and closed the window, Aidan and I headed home and concluded a fun night.
Aw, thanks for writing this post. :)
It's fun to read a dad's perspective every once in a while.
I'm still laughing at his Oatmeal stunt! What a little stinker.
He had a blast-as you know.
lol - that's really funny. Sounds like a great day and great 'guest' poster. You'll have to guest post again - it is a lot of fun to read a dad's perspective.
Aw, how cool that you wrote a guest post! thats so neat that he had so much fun with you.
hahaha, the oatmeal joke on the ice cream guy is hilarious!
Great pics :) Don't you wish Nevik could've there too?? haha. We hope to take Haleigh & Jack put-put on Friday. Aidan, you look more like a 5 yr. old!!! xoxoxo
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