Saturday, February 21, 2009

We've Reached a Verdict

After touring schools, weighing pros & cons, and having Aidan's first parent-teacher conference, we have reached the verdict!

We want to send Aidan to our parish school. It's a Catholic school, PreK-8th grade, uniforms, family-community feeling, close to home, they offer busing, and much more that we were pleased to learn.

I can say that as far as public schools go, the one we're zoned for is pretty good. Our district has continually ranked higher than most in our state, so that is good to know. I was impressed with the principal at the public school, but all in all, it's not what feels best for Aidan.

I feel like sending him to the public school would be good, but sending him to our parish school would be best. And I want what is best.

I need to majorly start praying. Tuition is an obstacle, of course. I wish it wasn't, but life happens, and it is. We are going to do everything we can to swing it. I feel so strongly I want him in that environment...another post to come on that later.

A few days ago we went to parent-teacher conferences. I was nervous! Aidan has spent his share of time in the time-out chair, so I wasn't expecting the greatest news, but yet not expecting a bad report, either. I was pleasantly surprised. :)
Speech is paying off, his teacher can understand him more clearly (she better after the money we're spending!), he has grown in his ability to control his behavior, and there was no apprehension about his kindergarten readiness. Yay! Not that I had a doubt, but it's so nice to hear others agree.

It's also nice to hear his Speech teacher constantly saying that his comprehension level is way up there, that he is progressing ahead of the typical schedule, etc. I am proud of this kid.

Registration is this week for our public school. We'll be there to register him as a back-up plan.
Open House at our parish school is March 1, and we'll be there. We'll be signing him up for school at that time, applying for financial aid...the whole schabang.

Oh, one odd & annoying thing to mention. Our public school is half day kindergarten. They offer full day, but you have to pay a tuition rate (of more than our parish school), and no financial assistance is offered for that. Our parish school is full day only.
Isn't that frustrating?! It's been for me, anyway.
I originally was thinking half day for Aidan, but seeing how much he has grown and matured, not to mention how much he loves going to school, I feel full day is a good option for him.
Time will tell what happens.

There is the verdict.
Say a prayer we can make it happen, please! And send some money vibes our way. ;)


Mandy said...

I am so glad things are starting to work out! We will be doing the same thing next year with Frick...registering him at the public and the parish school. Our parish school offers free tuition to those families who tithe their full 10%. That is a blessing in and of itself! If I have 10 kids and tithe, they all go free. You just have to be approved by the pastor. I am just afraid that we won't get in because of siblings of other students. We have a very large parish (2500+) and most families with young children have 4 or more. That's my worry.

Anyway, I will add you to our prayer list. Things will work out the way they are supposed to. It's the waiting time that stinks. Hang in there and keep us posted!

Lynette3boys said...

Congrats on making a decision that I know was a tough one. I have heard good things about sending kids to full day K. I am sure he will adjust very well.

Amy said...

We've enjoyed full day K at our Catholic school. It feels good to have made the decision, doesn't it?

Hyperactive Lu said...

Oh yeah... I know this game! We have a fantastic catholic school in town- the same one Mandy is talking about- and we just can't afford the tuition. I wish I were catholic so that we'd get the tuition break! :)

But, I think he'll do fine and I'll pray that he gets the spot at the best school for him!

I also question full days, 5 days, 1/2 days... I mean, they are going ot be going to school for the rest of their lives!!!! But, we also signed Bubbie up for 5 1/2 days....

Good luck!

Andrea said...

i will most definitely keep you in my prayers that all works out. I have been having severe anxiety about sending Landen to school and we aren't going to do pre school so I have awhile but I'm really nervous for lots of reasons. Our parish has 1/2 days but nobody does them, I think that's the route I would want to go but I'm going to just wait and see how it goes. I'm glad you guys figured out waht you wanted and waht's best for Aidan!


Nell said...

We need those money vibes also. There's a Christian school we'd like to send the boys to.

How awesome they bus! I don't know of any private schools around here that offer that.
