Monday, April 13, 2009


I can't believe Aidan is 5!
I worked on this video all day Saturday. It's long (12 mins), maybe unnecessary, but I wanted to do it for me. I'm sharing it, yet I don't expect you to watch it all (again, 12 mins long).
I wanted it saved in my own special here, my blog.

I'll post pictures later from his birthday, but for now let me just say that I am so proud of Aidan. He truly is an amazing kid with a heart of gold. I love him so much, and God really blessed us with him. He has made the past 5 years of my life the best 5 years.

Here's to you, kid!


Hyperactive Lu said...

great video... your boys look so much alike as babies!

Erin said...

I love the video! He's grown up so fast. I wish we saw him more :(

SimplyBillie said...

Happy Birthday to him!! My oldest is 5 too. I can't believe how fast they grow.

Andrea said...

Oh Sharon! I loved it - the kids and I watched the entire thing. Call me emotional but I had to get a little weepy. Absolutely wonderful, he is going to love that and if you are anything like me I love to go back and look at the video's I make. I get teary eyed everytime I look at the one of the entire year and Amelia's b-day. It's crazy to see how much you and Pat have changed too - looking so young to looking (well you know -we're in the same boat, not old just not young parents anymore).

You are amazing parents and doing a great job. Congratulations to Aidan and congrats to mom and dad. Brennan is getting so big too.

Love ya.

Sue said...

that was so sweet. Aidan has the sweetest smile. He'll love this always!

Bethany said...

The video isn't loading for me right now because I'm trying to upload videos of my own...I'll watch later but wanted to say Happy late 5th Birthday to Aidan! I can't wait to meet him in person.. :)