Friday, May 07, 2010

For the First Time in Almost 7 Years

Patrick & I are getting a night away just the two of us. 
No kids.
No phone.
No sharing our food.
No wiping little buns.
Not even taking the kids to church!

We haven't had a night away just the 2 of us since our honeymoon almost 7 years ago. I am really looking forward to this! We're heading to Pittsburgh tomorrow-it will be a fast trip, but hopefully very fun.
We had our first dates in Pittsburgh, so many good memories are there.

My generous in-laws are taking the boys, and we should be on the road by 8:30, hopefully arriving in Pittsburgh in time to have lunch at Primanti Brothers. MASSIVE sandwiches.
Station Square is on the list, the strip district (not strippers, but store vendors, etc;), maybe a drink at Harp & Fiddle, and the shish kabob guy on Carson St. Oh, the best, fattening food you can find...mmmm.
I am seriously looking forward to a BIG strawberry daquiri. I think that welcomes 30 nicely, don't you?
Also on my list is chips & con queso.

My in-laws have taken the boys for the day before, but we were in our house, getting things done. Being away from the home is an entirely different feeling. Someone else to worry about messes, making beds, cleaning's fabulous. So relaxing.

The weather is supposed to stink, but I don't care. As long as it's safe enough to travel, we're going.
I feel a wee bit guilty not being with Aidan & Brennan on my birthday, and not waking up to them on Mother's day. I feel a little guilty my mother-in-law will be watching them from the moment she wakes up on Mother's day. But Pat says they're excited. I hope he's right.

I am so excited.
Good way to kick off my 30's, if you ask me.


Mandy said...

HAVE FUN!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Pittsburgh! You know the Pens will be playing in town when you are there....

Enjoy yourselves!

Unknown said...

Have fun!

Bethany said...

HAVE SOOOOO much fun! You're going to Pitt though? I'll be in Steub. You should stop and see the new FUS sign...and FUS. Just know it's graduation weekend :)

Sue said...

Soo excited for you guys, but why not check out strippers for your 30th???

;) can't wait to hear about the yummy food & there better be plenty of alcohol involved on your BIG DAY!!!!!
Have lots of fun-'ol lady ;))


Hyperactive Lu said...

Enjoy yourself girl!!! I can't imagine not having a break for 7 years! Oh goodness! You deserve this break! Have a fabulous trip... drink lots of margaritas for me!