Sunday, January 01, 2012

Top 11 of 2011

In chronological order:

1. We got a 2nd car, after having 1 car for 6 years. Pat's Honda Accord.
 2. Aidan's first Pinewood Derby Race with Scouts

 3. Cillian was born! Our family & hearts grew, and he's been a huge blessing.

4. The boys' birthdays! Aidan turned 7 and Brennan turned 4...and Pat & I were pleased with the Thomas edible train.

  5. Cillian was Baptized
6. Myrtle Beach with my side of the family! Best moment? Dance Party with my sister Sue!

 7.  Brennan played tee-ball for the first time. Adorable. Aidan played coach-pitch for the first time (& did well batting lefty)

 8. Brennan started preschool.

 9. Aidan made his First Reconciliation. He's matured so much!

10. We saw more of my parents in 2011 that since the year we got married.

 11. Seeing a great friend again, now that he's stationed in Ohio. Steve!

In moments of rough trials it's hard to feel blessed, but in looking back, we were truly blessed in 2011.
I wish you a Happy New Year, and God's peace in 2012!


Amy said...

Looks like it was a great year. Here's wishing you more of the same in 2012.

Bethany said...

So overall, a fantastic year! :) I'm bummed I didn't make the list but maybe I'll try in '12...after all, you already have a new car and a baby, maybe if we go to Cedar Point or something....hehe

Hope you are having a great weekend!!