Monday, March 05, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook~March Edition

 FOR TODAY (from The Simple Woman's Daybook)

Outside my window...the sun is momentarily shining on the few inches of snow we got last night. Trees are covered in white.

I am thinking...that I'd rather have a snow day than a 2-hour delay.

I am thankful...that my family is mostly back to good health.

In the still awaits, as do dirty dishes.

I am wearing...exercise clothes in hopes it will get me in that frame of mind.

I am creating...lists of things to laminate for homeschooling.

I am going...back & forth to school today, that's it. Thankfully.

I am wondering...when we'll actually de-clutter our house.

I am reading...The Writing Road to Reading.

I am hoping...for some answered prayers.

I am looking forward to...a date night soon with my husband, including dinner OUT.

I am learning...right now, a lot about the ways we learn to read and write. It's actually fascinating.

Around the house...CLUTTER! Too many papers.

I am pondering...if I should clean or exercise while my 4yo is at preschool.

A favorite quote for today..."without the rain, there would be no rainbow"

One of my favorite in the morning.

A few plans for the rest of the week...Story Time at the library, make a meal for a friend who just had a baby, and another for a friend having surgery.

A peek into my day...

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