Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween and All Saints Day

On my way out from 8:00 Mass this morning, I picked up yesterday's bulletin.
The priest entered it perfectly into the bulletin, and I am going to share it with you:

This week we celebrate Halloween, or Holy Evening, as the day originally was called. That's because it is
the day before All Saints Day. People once used to celebrate by dressing up to
look like some person they very much admired.
Very often, the costumes were to represent
some saint, perhaps even a person's patron saint, after whom they had been
named. They then would go around trying to do good things for others in
imitation of the saint portrayed.
Over the years, our method of celebrating
has changed. Today, instead of giving to others, we send our youngsters out to
ask others to fill their "treat' bag. And our costuming has lost most of its
religious characteristics.
So this week, when you see a youngster in
costume, remember how they really do represent the many good and inspiring
people God has put into our lives. And each of us is challenged to reflect the
goodness of Jesus Himself. If the Lord truly lives inside us, then our real
"costume" should be to put on the goodness of Jesus by how we act.
Long ago in Ireland, farmers prepared for
All Saints Day the night before by going door to door collecting food and other
goods to have a village feats and large bonfire. It was believed that those who
contributed would have God's blessing. Those who did not would suffer
misfortune. The Irish Catholics who immigrated to America during the 1800's
brought this paractice with them, calling it "Trick or Treating". It is a good
time for us to recall that we are called to celebrate and share life with others
and in our neighborhood and parish communities.
(Fr. Don, St. Martha's News)

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