Catholics Affirming Homosexual Leadership note on their Web site ( that they are a group of ordained Catholic priests, both diocesan and religious, who have come together to affirm the value of our gay/lesbian clergy and religious in the face of apparent bigotry and growing intolerance.
I recently posted about the issue of homosexuals in the priesthood/seminary.
In the article, it clearly states that, ""The document stresses that homosexuals should be treated witrespect andnd that all forms of discrimination concerning them should be avoided."
There- there it is. We are not discriminating. Those men are choosing a path that contradicts what Godesigneded for men and women. (and for the more liberal-minded folk reading this, I am well aware of the argument that homosexuality may be a "condition", or a born trait.)
I think it is absolutely ignorant and of thutmostst disrespect for these priests to go against the Vatican. They're going againstst the Pope. A schism. A division is deliberately being made because a group of priests have decided to come together to, "affirm the value of our gay/lesbian clergy and religious in the face of apparent bigotry and growing intolerance.
Their website disgusts me.
Here is an excerpt:
The scapegoating of homosexuals and the open gay-bashing by religious leaders of any persuasion is both ugly and inappropriate. Sexual abuse and its cover-up in the Catholic Church is not the result of homosexuals among the clergy, but a moral and systemic failure irrespective of sexual orientation. Responsible leadership must not only stop searching for easy scapegoats, responsible leadership must denounce intolerance and bigotry and acknowledge the complexity of the issues facing us. Failure to do so can only lead to an even further erosion of credibility of Church leaders.
What bothers me the most- saddens me the most- is the deliberate disregard for what our Holy Father- and many of our faithful Bishops- have presented to us. They are, in a large sense, defying their boss. (are they all Jesuits?)
It is so unfortunate. It seems to always be two steps forward, one step back.
For any of the people that actually read this blog (2 of you?), if you visit this site (, PLEASE voice your disapproval in the guestbook. It may do nothing, but on the chance that it will, it is worth it.
God Help Us.
You're outraged because there are those in the church who are trying to denounce bigotry and blatant intolerance of a certain group of people and actually allow them to participate in the church regardless of their sexual orientation?? I'd say that's a giant step forward in a otherwise narrow-minded institution (one reason I am no longer a practicing Catholic). I thought it was God's job to judge our lives, and our jobs as christians to embrace and accept others with love and kindness regardless of our imperfections and "sins" (as Jesus did). In my opinion, God is a perfect being and therefore does not make each and every one of us is exactly as He meant for us to be...and that includes homosexuals.
Actually, Kim, I am outraged because this group of priests is defying the Magisterium of the Church. They are going completely against what their vocation should represent.
If you actually take the time to study up on this a bit more, you would see how obvious it is that this is not a case of "bigotry and blatant intolerance of a certain group of people".
A priest has the hardship in his vocation to lead people towards Christ. That is done through all things- not just the readings at Mass and the homily, but also through the example which the priest himself sets through his own life. (And yes, this is important- look at our Saints)
If a priest becomes a member of a group that is for homosexual priests, then simply by being a part of that, he is showing approval for it. (For a homosexual lifestyle. Being a homosexual is one thing- being an ACTIVE one is another) by showing approval for this lifestyle the priest is going against Biblical, Church, and natural teachings. And let's not forget he is going against the Holy See and what God identified as the proper way of life for human sexuality.
This is the opposite of what a priest's job is.
And I am sure there is curiosity regarding the prescription I am speaking of and the proper way for life.
I begin with Romans 1:18-32:
*25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.*
If that does not clearly denounce acting upon homosexual desires, then I don't know what does.
Let's look at nature in and of itself. If homosexuality was pure and just as good as heterosexual love, why then can we not create a baby form this type of love? Homosexual acts can not glorify the love between two people- another human being.
And bluntly put, homosexual bodies are not made for each other. A man and a woman's bodies fit together like 2 pieces from a puzzle. That is not the truth with 2 members of the same sex. It is unnatural. They may find comfort and feelings of enjoyment there, but it is not the way our bodies were created to be used.
And you are very right- God does not make mistakes. He made no mistake by giving us the example of Adam and Eve- man plus woman, Man part to fit inside female part. Man and woman together making a child as the greatest act of love. There is NO mistake there. There IS, however, in homosexual acts, and that is all the above mentioned things can not be a result.
I would also like to reference to a comment made by Lisa on a previous post I made. She does a good job of explaining this:
"If homosexuality is considered an abnormality and homosexual activity is considered deviant behavior (contrary to natural law), then a lifestyle that actively practices and promotes homosexual 'intercourse' is not compatible with the priestly office. A further consideration is that the gay lifestyle is one that promotes fornication--also something not compatible with the priestly office.
Homosexuality or a homosexual predisposition in and of itself is not a sin. But it is a cross to bear.
Yet homosexuals and heterosexuals bear the same responsibility to respect marriage and family, so the practice of fornication is contrary to that.
Also, homosexuality is not the only condition that a human being might have to contend with. Bipolar people, for example, can have aggressively strong urges that could end in fornication or violence to the self or others. Simply because a person is predispositioned toward a certain behavior or possesses strong urges doesn't mean those predispositions or urges must or should be acted on.
One who is called to the priestly office must minister to people not only through the sacraments but also by example.
So are people with a homosexual orientation being discriminated against if they cannot be priests? No. But those who are practicing or who have strong gay tendencies, just like one with untreated bipolar are not prepared for the office."
And a reference to Paul ( on his blog:
"If I could come across even one statement purporting to be from a gay priest that affirmed the Church's teaching authority, I would be comforted. But I haven't seen it yet. Everything I've encountered looks like gay clergy are infiltrators of the Church's hierarchy, determined to destroy the Church, or twist into something unrecognizable. I want priests who, like me, don't believe that they personally are higher moral authorities than the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
Bottom line: If the Catholic Church's 2000 year old teaching that homosexual conduct is sinful could be mistaken, then why would anyone want to remain in a church capable of teaching error authoritatively?"
The intolerance and bigotry I see here is priests involved being intolerant to their Divine Truth and vocation. They are abadoning what is right, and instead going with the worldly things, just as many people in the world today. We all have our moments, but this is a mighty big one, and it not only involves them, but the many soul's which are a major part of. They are a major part of developing and forming the soul's and consciences of the lay people. And this type of thing contradicts all that. In that sense, they are being intolerant to the fact that people rely on their priets as role models and guidance to the Truth.
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