Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Baby Slings

Ok, parents, I need your input!!

Although we're not due with this baby until August, I am already on the search for a baby sling. We did not have one with our first, but I regret that and think it would've been SO BENEFICIAL.

I haven't really found any in our Babies R Us, and I have no clue where to start online.

So for you sling-wearing moms and dads, could you please share with me some feedback on slings? (wraps, etc., but not the backpack type carriers)



Carol said...

This is my favorite, but mothers are soooo different. I would ask for opinions at an AP message board like Gentle Christian Mothers.

Sharon said...

Thanks, Carol!
I am going to check out the site now...

Sir Galen of Bristol said...

None of my three children were ever sufficiently tolerant of being carried in a sling to make it worth the cost. I have two, different types, like new.

Sharon said...

Are you finished with them, Paul? :)

melanie said...

oooh! I love baby slings and we used them with all 3 kids.

there are lots of different places you can go for information.


Sharon said...

Were all your slings made of cotton?
I am seeing fleece ones, also.

melanie said...

I experimented with all sorts... all of mine are cotton, but i'd love to have a fleece one.
I have:
-'over the shoulder baby holder' which is pretty nice
-'New Native Baby Carrier' which is a non-adjustable sling (tube-style) that is nice for smaller babies
-'NoJo' sling which is not my favorite
-'Heart to Heart' sling (very padded but very comfy...)
-and I made a wrap for myself (directions from http://www.mamatoto.org/)

For newborns I really liked the OTSBH sling and the wrap. The wrap is really nice because the weight is supported by both shoulders and it's very comfortable for long walks etc...

The Slings are great for popping the kids in and out (esp when you have a short trip or you are going in and out of the car, or when they are crawling and want to get down lots).

If I got another carrier, I would probably buy a non-padded sling and see how I liked that. (like a maya wrap or something). I find that the padding on the OTSBH, although comfortable, makes it hard for me to adjust the sling and tighten it as much as I want to (I have a very slender frame).


melanie said...

This looks really interesting Sharon:

Tom.... said...

As a grandpa,I am a big fan of just carrying the kid...still, your idea has merit, and frees up the hands.
Good Luck in your search.