Monday, February 13, 2006

Accutane- a dangerous drug, and often leads to abortions

"Since Accutane sales began in 1982, the FDA has received reports of more than 2,000 pregnancies among users. Most ended in abortion or miscarriage, but the FDA counts more than 160 babies born with drug-caused defects."
This may not sound like a lot, but it states in the article that only 17,881 out of 100,000 patients have registered their use of the drug with the tracking program.

Many of you may not be familiar with this drug. Accutane is often prescribed to treat acne. Severe acne. It is meant to be used as more of a last resort. Dermatologists should suggest and try other products first and foremost.

I have been on Accutane. When I was a senior in high school, I went on Accutane and remained on it for nearly a year. I had to sign a contract stating that I would practice two forms of birth control while on this medication. They also wanted me to sign an agreement that should I still become pregnant while on this medication, I would consider/have an abortion. (I got out of signing that one)
So after much hesitation from my parents, I tried Accutane because of the ordeal I had gone through with my skin the way it was. I signed a contract stating that I would practice abstinence and also take Ortho tri cyclen, a birth control pill.

Would I do it again? NO.

From first hand experience, I can tell you that yes, it helped with the acne.
But the cons far outweighed the pros.
There are many more harmful side effects than we are told.

You go through such severely dry skin that you begin to wonder if you will ever stop peeling.
You have to avoid prolonged contact in the sun- as the sun dries your skin even more.
Your lips are always chapped- to the point where dead skin is hanging from them.

You have to have your blood drawn every 4 weeks- and they take a lot!
It can severely mess up your kidneys.

Now imagine all those bodily changes- it's not hard to guess that with that comes some depression. I guess I didn't experience it nearly what some do.

This Accutane can lead to schizophrenic tendencies. And having someone with schizophrenia in my family- I can attest that that is a truly scary thing.

And then there is the whole pro-life issue. And birth control. Even though I was not sexually active at that time, there may be some long-term side effects from that short time I was on the pill.

Why do I share this with all of you? There is not enough awareness, first of all.
Secondly, we need to know what we can in order to protect life- even if that means avoiding some medications.
And last but not least, many of you that come here to read have children. If this is an issue, please try to avoid Accutane. The doctors may tell you one thing- ask that doctor if they have been on it. Then find people who actually have and ask them about their experience with it.
It's just not worth it.

Thanks for letting me share.

1 comment:

devon spec said...

i was on accutane in college. not one of my prettier moments in life. i was terrified of getting pregnant.

my mom recently told me there are other things they recently found out too.... and if these side effects happen to you w/in 10 years of taking it, to contact an attorney. one was like, live failure! geez. scary.