Friday, March 24, 2006

Artificial Birth Control & NFP- Gambling Game?

Christina over at Confessions of a Hot Carmel Sundae has some great thoughts on NFP and artificial birth control:
" argument I rarely hear is about how artificial
birth control affects us psychologically."

"My baby isn't the result of losing at the craps table. My
baby is the result of my love for my husband being stronger than my desire to
avoid pregnancy. And that is an effect you rarely get with other methods of
pregnancy and birth prevention."

Join me in praying for Christina as she is only 10 days away from her due date!


O! said...

Those are some awesome quotes...

I've always thought the first one (psychological aspect) was one of the most dangerous parts of artificial birth completely destroys in one's mind the meaning of life and love....kinda like how many people consider abortion to be the greatest threat to life...more so than murder of the born.

Renee said...

I've talk to single women on the Pill, and I just explain basically what our reproductive cycle is and they are pretty amazed something that can be so easily understood isn't talk about my sexual health educators.

Sharon said...

It drives me nuts that "educational" programs mainly teach what forms of birth control are available, and how to use them. (sorry, artificial forms)
When we learn it properly, it is so clear to see the way our bodies work, and how we can cooperate with them naturally to avoid/achieve pregnancy.

But I am happy to say that our NFP instructor/nurse recently told us she read there's been a decent increase in the number of couples using NFP. :)