Thursday, March 23, 2006

Same-Sex Adoption

S.F. Archdiocese reviews same-sex adoption as city condemns Vatican stance

I'm not about to say that a gay person can't love a child. I know several gay people that are great with children, and by no means do they look at them in a sexual nature.

However, when it comes to the best environment for a child to be raised, I do agree that a stable, heterosexual relationship is best. One man and one woman- one of each.
Here are 2 quotes I found striking from this article:
"Allowing children to be adopted by
persons living in such unions would actually mean doing violence to these
children, in the sense that their condition of dependency would be used to place
them in an environment that is not conducive to their full development," the
document said
(from the Vatican Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith )

"It is an insult to all San Franciscans when a
foreign country, like the Vatican, meddles with and attempts to negatively
influence this great city's existing and established customs and traditions,
such as the right of same-sex couples to adopt and care for children in need,"
the resolution said
(The San Francisco Board
of Supervisors voted unanimously March 21 in favor of a nonbinding resolution
condemning Cardinal-designate Levada and urging Archbishop Niederauer to
repudiate his views. )
I find the 2nd quote to be particularly ignorant. A foreign country invading their business? Did the San Franciscans forget that the organization we're dealing with is Catholic Charities? It is not a matter of the U.S. vs the Vatican. It is a matter of Catholics following their beliefs, and showing allegiance to the Magisterium of the Church. And our Vicar just happens to be a part of the Vatican! I hope they look back and realize how absurd their statement is.

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