Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Please kick my hiney into gear!

I was doing so well with weight loss and staying on my program. But the last 2 weeks, not so much. I don't know why. I enjoy healthy foods. I like how I feel when I lose weight. I am proud of it and feel better about everything. Literally.

But one little thing, and it's downhill for me. I give in to emotional eating, feeling sorry for myself. I tell myself I deserve the ice cream because it's on sale buy one, get two free! (yes, that is the REAL sale right now!)

I know what I really deserve is a healthy body and discipline to show my child how to eat properly and not over-indulge. It's not happening, though. I feel ready to give up and say "forget it!".

So whoever you are stopping by my blog, fat or thin, first time visitor or repeater, please kick my hiney into the right gear! Leave me a comment telling me I NEED to lose the rest of the weight, I can do it, my body needs it- whatever you think of, I am desperate to get myself back in line. I don't want to be the size 12 I got up to. I want to wear my clothes in storage that used to fit- those 8's and 6's. And I know this is low, me asking you all to try to help. I don't care. This is my blog and I am doing it. :)


PB said...

You can do it, I know you can!

Stacey said...

Ahhh, screw it. Eat ice cream and watch "The Notebook." Which is more fun, really?


Sharon said...

Lol- I almost did just that, Stacey. Minus "The Notebook". I had about NINE scoops of chocolate-brownie ice cream, and watched Friends reruns. Oh boy. It was so good.

But today is a new day. I'm trying to refrain from the ice cream today. hee-hee. We'll see. I love ice cream.

Thanks for the encouragement, PB. :)