...Is NFP Awareness Week! Natural Family Planning.
My husband and I have always practiced this in our marriage, and we both have wonderful experiences with it.
Here are some reasons why I like NFP:
-I love knowing my body and being in control.
-No chemicals or false hormones to mess you up.
-No "wait" time for harmful ingredients to leave your body when you want to conceive.
-It's in line with Christ's teachings!
-It's empowering
I have come across many people that just assume things about NFP. (I've posted about this before, click here and here). People assume it means no sex life, or planned sex, or that sex is only for making babies (ha! yea right!). Well, you know what they say about assuming, right? You make an -ss out of "u" and me". ;)
Don't just assume.
Don't just assume it's not for you. Don't just assume it's too hard. Don't just assume that artificial birth control is better, or healthier. Look into it. What can it hurt?
You can click here to read about it from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. If you go there, I highly recommend reading couples' stories.
On my side bar I also link to NFP, in particular the Creighton Method, which my husband and I now practice. (We learned the sympto-thermal method while engaged).
There are many options and choices. I am so thankful there have been people in my life to lead me to Natural Family Planning. People often fear they'd lose freedom if "only" using NFP. Tell me, how much freedom do you really have if you have to rely on a pill every day? The pill is then in control, not you. That's not freedom at all.
Same with condoms. People would rather trust latex than themselves...That's not saying much about what people think of themselves.
I don't want to seem like I am condemning. I want to be a source of reference for people to learn a little bit more. After all, we can only make the best decision after researching all our options, right?
So to anyone who appreciates it, Happy NFP Week. Help someone become more aware.
H/t: Heart, Mind and Strength Weblog
You don't have to be Catholic either for it to work!
I always like to share www.tcoyf.com for non-Catholics who seem skeptical, even though it uses NFP techniques it does not follow the philosphical teaching of the Church.
thanks for the link, Renee.
That book is such a great one to own. Maybe I'll add that link to my sidebar. ;)
I applaud you and your husband.
I feel that in this current "fast-food" culture, many people are too lazy to look into NFP and learn about their own bodies. They would prefer to take the quick and easy solution of birth control pills or condoms.
I personally would feel more confident in knowing a spouse's fertility cycle and how to react to it than I would in trusting a thin piece of latex. And who knows what could possibly happen to your body with those extra hormones in your system from the birth control pills.
I like what you said about being in contol. Using birth control pills or condoms does take the "you're in control" factor out of the equation and to me, that is somewhat frightening.
Thank you, Greg.
NFP isn't always EASY, and I'm sure you're right- our "fast food nation" doesn't want to really have to do anything for themselves (practiciing self control being near the top of the list). It's unfortunate so many people don't see that they're not making aything easier with other forms of birth control. They want someone else to be in control of their actions. Well, NFP is allowing God the chance to be in control. Who is better qualified?
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