Sunday, September 24, 2006

All moved in

We are all settled in Ohio now. It's been a looooong week! Tiring, but good. Lots of things going on.

Monday the packers came and spent the entire day boxing us up.
Tuesday they loaded.
Wednesday we officially moved to Ohio, saying goodbye to Michigan. The movers unloaded and unboxed some things for us. We're still not fully organized and settled in, but we've slept in our new home since Wednesday night.
Thursday and Friday we spent time unpacking. We also had to go back to Michigan to clean the old home and give our previous landlord the keys.

Friday we got a ton done. I guess I should really say my husband got a ton done. Some time throughout all of this I caught a virus. Wednesday I had a low fever and the chills. On top of the morning sickness it's been no picnic physically for me. Thank God for my hubby.

Friday I also had an OB apt. It was my 9 week check-up. Once again, the baby seems healthy and everything is going well thus far. :) The dr. Did another ultra-sound and we could see the baby moving. It's always good peace of mind. I wish we had a scanner so I could share the pictures they have me at the doctor's.

Yesterday we actually stayed in Ohio all day! LOL. Ds seems to adjust well, and he thinks the new home is cool because there are stairs. And big closets. Stairs + big closets =lots of fun for a 2 year old! :) He has really impressed me with his adjustment. He is such a good boy.

Today we are going to the churches in the area. We need to find a new parish now. Let the hunting begin! My in-laws are coming over, as well, to see the new home.
Tomorrow my dh starts his new job. Good luck to him! I know he'll so just fine.

I've missed you all in blogland and will be catching up with you this week! :) God Bless your Sunday.

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