Every once in a while you hear of a lawsuit that just makes you roll your eyes, and laugh, in disbelief. We do seem like we're lawsuit crazy, don't we?
Why not sue over guacamole?
California Woman Files Lawsuit Claiming Kraft's Guacamole Dip Doesn't Contain Enough Avocado
I'd really like to know why she can't just make her own with extra avocado. It's not hard at all. Especially with the seasoning packets. Sheesh.
She's just looking for money. Either Kraft will settle it out of court or the judge will toss it out. I am hoping the judge tosses it out.
I sure hope the judge tosses it out. I feel that silly lawsuits such as these reflect poorly on our country and the concerns of its citizens. We'll fight for guacamole, coffee actually being hot, but not other things that are truly important? Not a good impression.
I have been demanding tort reform for years! We need to go to a "loser pays" system. These frivolous lawsuits are driving consumer costs sky-high. Like pb said, Kraft will either settle or hopefully the judge will toss it out--either way, Kraft will have spent money that wouldn't have otherwise been spent. Of course, Kraft is going to have to pass along the costs of such litigation to its consumers. That means that instead of paying $3 for Kraft Guacamole Dip, you'll have to pay $3.50 for Kraft "Guacamole Flavored" Dip. Give me a break!! This reminds me of some lawsuit I read about where a prisoner sued the state because the prison only offered chunky peanut butter and not creamy!! UGH!
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