Monday, November 20, 2006

These nerves need to calm down!

I tell ya, they're keeping me a wreck! I'm just over 17 weeks pregnant. I am officially past the point of my last pregnancy. I'm in the 2nd trimester.
Recently I started noticing Braxton Hicks contractions. From what I'm told and read, it's normal to start feeling these already. Good to know. I'm also crampy. Nothing major, but again, each time I feel it, I sort of panic and get anxious and think "oh no, is this another miscarriage?". Or "what did I do?" AHHH! I'm driving myself crazy. :(

Last night's dream didn't help any. I dreamt I went in for my big ultrasound. Once there they told me I was pregnant with twin girls, but one had miscarried. Then they couldn't find the heartbeat for the other one. I was losing both babies. It was a horrible, yet very real feeling dream. I struggled to sleep after that nightmare. I was afraid. Still am.

So anyway, feel free to pass on any words that will calm me down! I hate feeling this way. I hate feeling scared. I want to feel safe in this pregnancy. So badly.
And tomorrow I DO have my big ultrasound. It needs to go well, heartbeat and all.

1 comment:

PB said...

It will be ok.