Sunday, January 21, 2007

Toddler Nap Wars

I'm sure every parent of a toddler goes through this. I'm less than thrilled that it's my turn.

My sweet little angel is missing. He's been replaced by this rotten-acting 2 year old. (will be 3 in April). I want my angel back!!!

Normally, my son would go down pleasantly for his nap after lunch. I'd read him 3 stories, and we snuggle together in his big boy bed until he's asleep. It's always worked for us. He would nap almost 3 hours each day. 3 hours.

Suddenly I can't get him to sleep for even 3 minutes! I've stuck with the same routine. Lunch. Many notices that nap is coming. He goes potty. Changes into jammy pants. We snuggle in his big boy bed and read stories. THEN....he starts flip-flopping around like a fish out of water. He tries to escape the bedroom. He tries everything. I lose my patience, and doubt my parenting-abilities. (and then think "crap! I'm going to have another one in a few months!)

Now, I KNOW he is still tired and in need of naps. I know because if we were out for a car ride, he'd fall asleep in the car. I also know because of the way he looks. Eyes are red, he has less control of himself. He gets more clumsy, etc.

And then by the time 3:00-3:30 hits, he melts down over every little thing.

Folks, it's making me go crazy. He's been doing this for going on 2 weeks. I feel like I am in a war. One I am not winning. One my son needs to lose. BADLY.

Help! If you can't come make my son fall asleep magically each day for his nap, then please offer up a prayer! Advice or suggestions, are welcome to. I'm one run-down mommy that needs it!

(oh, and he has been able to open the child-proof doorknobs for months now. Those are useless for us now.)

1 comment:

Kim said...

Will he fall asleep if you lay on the couch with him while he watches a quiet tv show...Little Bear is a good, low-key one to maybe try. I know, it's better to do the whole routine so he knows it's naptime, but sometimes it just helps to let go of trying so hard and do what works. Jack has been in the habit of not napping on occasion, but he ALWAYS will finally succumb to sleep if he actually sits still for a little bit. This way, you BOTH get to win :)