Friday, March 23, 2007

Mandatory HIV Testing on Newborns

I find this to be bothersome.

New Jersey is working to make it a requirement that mothers and their newborn babies be tested for HIV.

Other states are hoping to do the same. You know once one state does it, the others follow like a domino effect.

I am completely in favor of getting the best medical attention to those in need. And in my opinion, that includes newborns first and foremost. They are so helpless!

I am bothered my this being mandatory, however. Maybe I shouldn't be. But I am.
I would understand testing the baby IF the mother was found to be positive. I'm not even really opposed to testing the mother at the early stages of pregnancy.

Requiring it bothers me.
Not all of us are running around sleeping with multiple partners before conceiving.
Sure, the news, media, and every television show may make you believe otherwise. But that's not the case! (and no, I am not being naive stating this.)
I know many people do live this lifestyle, without concern. THEY are ruining it for us, though.
Because they choose to be sexually active in immoral, irresponsible ways, the rest of society has to succummb to their ways of being tested and screened?

It frustrates me even more than you go to your doctor, being completely honest about your sexual health, and they don't even believe you half the time, because the word "waited" comes out of your mouth, or you actually tell them you've only had intercourse with one person-your spouse. Too few people believe it these days (and you'd think too few practice it)

I am not about to let the hospital staff whisk my newborn away and test him for HIV. Had I been involved with multiple partners, then I would. That would be in my baby's best interest.
I still feel we deserve the right to tell the truth, and the medical world should have to accept it. Testing my baby would be unnecessary. I don't even let them do that first round of HepB vaccines after birth! (whole other subject, I know)

This part of the article is what got me venting, "The additional benefit of testing every woman is that it reduces the stigma associated with testing only those based on their risk behaviors and should, as statistics show, make women less inclined to refuse the test."

More politically correct crap.
The stigma of their behavior? CONSEQUENCES are a part of life! We are adults and we need to get over it. NO. Not everyone is doing the same thing. We don't all earn the same consequences. So don't write about stigmatizing women who willingly choose to live promiscuous lives. If they see nothing wrong with that, then they should see nothing wrong with being tested. It's no one else's business who else is being tested, anyway. (unless, of course, you're positive and need to follow up w/ your partners...)

Maybe I should stop writing so early in the morning. I haven't been sleeping well and I sure sound crabby. :(

Have a good weekend!

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