Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Menu Plan Monday--October 8, 2007

Good Morning! I hope you're off to good start this October. We are, with the exception of the weather being way too hot! What is with 90 degree weather in OCTOBER?! I don't like it.
We've been doing a good job of staying on plan with our meals. We've been enjoying some new recipes, and also incorporating more crockpot meals. I'm learning that I like using the slow cooker on Fridays. I never feel like cooking dinner on Fridays, so by doing it that way, it's sure to be dinner at home. ;)
Now for this week:
Monday: Make your own pizzas-on pitas, choice of cheese & veggie toppings (meatless meal)
Slow Cooker Honey Pineapple Chicken (thanks to Laura for the recipe!)
Wednesday: Hamburger Cabbage Casserole
Thursday: Chicken with Honey Balsamic Glaze
Friday: Chili in the crockpot, corn muffins

Thank you for stopping by! I hope to make it around to your menus, too. As always, thanks to Laura for hosting MPM!


justkc said...

Slow cooker Fridays are a great idea... right now I have to do slow cooker Thursdays because of soccer practice but Fridays are a much better mental break late in the day!

Kathryn said...

Sounds like a wonderful menu! I try to use my slow cooker at least once a week. Great for those nights where I know I will not be in the mood to "cook".

Have a wonderful week.

momwats8 said...

We are going to give the honey pineapple chicken a try soon - it looks and sounds delicious!!