If only I had 2 more days, I would have played more Scattergories with everyone, as well as Apples to Apples. I would have had more time with just Haleigh. We would have grilled out some delicious marinated pork. I would've shown Sue & Jeff more local places, another Metro Park. We would have taken Jack & Aidan to the train book store, and maybe the mall play area.
See? There is always something to add on, after the fact.
So we didn't get to everything, but we did still have a busy, fun-filled (hopefully) week. Probably the biggest thing was going to Cedar Point. It was a blast! We were threatened early in the day with bad weather, but thankfully it passed. By the time we arrived at the park, it was sunny and warm. We truly had the perfect weather.
I went on my first roller coaster in 10 years. 10 years...that makes me feel & sound old.
I had a blast going on the Iron Dragon with Haleigh. Twice, actually. It was so much fun to be with just Haleigh for a little bit. One-on-One time is hard to come by ever since Aidan, Jack & Brennan came along. ;)
The "little" kids enjoyed the kiddy rides, as you can see by the pictures. Aidan thought it was great having Jack there with him to go on all the rides.
Cedar Point was one full, tiring day. The remaining days were still busy, but less exhausting. We had a delicious meal at Longhorns, thanks to Sue & Jeff. I thoroughly enjoyed my steak, and later, my cheesecake. (good call, Jeff!) After eating dinner out, Sue and I went to the movies. We saw The Strangers. Let me just say this: OH. MY. GOSH! I grew up watching horror flicks...you know, Freddy, Jason, Texas Chainsaw. But this was far more scary, because it's based on a true story. I was so freaked out, I've had a hammer and flashlight near me when I'm home alone now! (only at night. What do you think I am? A wimp? ;) It was a great movie. I'd actually see it again. An added plus was that it was my first time to this theater (Crystal-Maumee 18). It was a very nice theater! $10 for one dang ticket, but as rarely as we go, worth it.
Movies, amusement park, play time at a Metro Park, trip to Target, and eating out...it was very nice to catch up with the Kauffmanns in our neck of the woods for a change. We want you guys to come back!! Please? (or at least leave Haleigh?:) We really enjoyed the visit. Thanks for making the trip up!
I hate it that the family I am closest with lives so far away, but I'm grateful for the good times we have together.
awww, it did go way too fast. We had a great time, you made us feel right at home-we totally took over your house! I do miss your bed, very comfy. Haleigh really would love to come back-she had so much fun with you. Brennan will forget us I just know it :( I know Aidan won't though!! :) Did I tell you I'm taking Dad to see The Strangers tomorrow??
That looks like sooo much fun!! I adore the pictures--especially the one of Aidan and Jack on the airplanes--you can tell they're cousins there! And Haleigh looks like a TEENAGER--what the crap??!! Doesn't she know she's not allowed to grow up so fast? Don't all of them know that? Brennan looks two already!! I miss you guys! (Kauffmanns too!!) :o)
Looks like a lot of fun!
Jenn-yea, Haleigh has really grown up! She even acts older than her age. :( It's happening too fast!
Aidan & Jack definitely look related at times. Especially w/ the blond hair. :)
I think they could pass as brothers! Jack has picked up some of Aidan's phrases, it's so cute!
Has Jack passed on any of HIS phrases?
You know, like *#&@ and %@!&.
Ah, I am such a proud godfather! ;)
Jack has picked up some of Aidan's phrases
Oh no. Like what? lol I apologize in advance. ;)
Has Jack passed on any of HIS phrases?
You know, like *#&@ and %@!&.
Greg, you crack me up! And yes, Aidan has. He's been spending more time in time-out ever since they were here...j/k. We all miss hearing Jack's reply to "Save a Horse".
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