I don't think there's a cuter sight than eight 4-year-olds playing tee-ball. They start off excited, then within 10 minutes seem to find picking up the rocks/pebbles to be much more fulfilling. It's hilarious to watch. Cute.
Batting was Aidan's strength....being in the outfield, not so much. He has a game every Wednesday morning over the next few weeks. I'm sure I'll be posting on this again! I look forward to seeing how he progresses.
Of course I took pictures. Probably too many. ;)
Soo cute Aidan! I feel so bad we didn't watch last week but we did watch Brennan :) Have fun, we miss you!!!
Oh my gosh he is so cute!!!! I want to see him play! Did he have so much fun??
How cute Sharon. I bet he loves it. I wonder if we'll put Landen in Tee-ball. Hmmm. =) Looking forward to more about it and great pictures. You can never take too many.
Oh my gosh, this is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! And I love how happy he looks in that first picture--That is just a priceless photo! :o) But, as usual, it makes me wish we lived closer to each other so our boys could do these things together! :o(
PS) Wait til you see a game of little kids playing soccer--it's the funniest thing I have ever seen! :oD
We gave him the choice of Tee-Ball or soccer and he chose to do Tee-Ball.
That's so cool! hey, do you think we can come watch next week? the boys would love that, plus it would give Ethan a chance to see if he really wants to play too.
How adorable. t-ball is my favorite time in baseball. the kids are so sweet.
That looks like SO MUCH FUN!!!
I wish I had the opportunity to play tee-ball when I was younger. I played baseball later when I was older and I absolutely loved it! Now I want to join a recreational softball league. Any variation of playing baseball is just so much fun!
I hope Aidan is enjoying it. Isn't it funny how the game starts out with everyone ready to play and ends with kids playing with rocks and watching bugs?!?! Haha!
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