Saturday, August 02, 2008


Good heavens. Aidan had one last fever around 3 this morning, and now he has a rash that seems to be Roseola
Isn't enough enough?

Thankfully Brennan made it through the night fever free. He's still not 100%, but better.

I feel so badly for Aidan, though. He's had a tough time this summer. Infected bug bites, allergic reactions, hives, heat rash, now roseola. 

I swear God is smiting me. Maybe that earns me hell-points for saying that. Oh well. Enough is enough.

To top it off, Pat is working his limo job today until about 11:00 tonight. Oh. My. GOSH. Now is a time when I miss living close to family. 
(you see, Aidan only wants Pat when he is sick. He wimpers and cries for Pat basically all day long. He's already asked about 20 times today when daddy will be home).

I hope this rash clears up soon, I hope that Aidan's diarrhea stops, and that Brennan doesn't get the rash. 
Please, God. 


Kim said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you're having such a rough time! It always seems like when it rains, it POURS! I'll try to send some healthy vibes your way:) I hope the kiddos start feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

I sure hope they are better soon! It looks like once they start showing symptoms though, maybe they aren't contagious? did you still want to try and go with us tomorrow night? we are definitely going.

Sharon said...

I would love to!
I still need to wait to see. Aidan did have a fever, and he's still experiencing diarrhea. :(
Brennan is ok, but Aidan's stomach hasn't settled yet. The poor boy has spent literally all day in the bathroom. :(

I'll try to keep you updated! I'm hopeful! It would be so much fun.

Jennifer said...

Awww! Poor Aidan!! (And poor YOU!!) If Aidan has been having diarrhea, try to get him to drink some kefir--have you tried that? Its like drinkable yogurt and it works wonders for diarrhea! Trust me--I am the guru! I just had a bout of food poisoning and had diarrhea every five seconds for over a day--The kefir put me back to normal in no time! Also, pedialyte and other electrolyte solutions have sugar substitutes in them and can make diarrhea worse--I have a recipe for some homemade stuff my dad uses for Ben if you ever want it!


Greg said...

Poor guy!! I hope he gets better soon--it sure has a been a tough week for him. Prayers for the little guy.

A little aside:
Jen is the diarrhea guru?! That's good to know. LOL!!

Andrea said...

Oh you poor little things. *hugs* I've been saying prayers.. I hate being sick.. I think this was just a bad summer, we'v ebeen entirely too sick here.