I'm making an effort here, as we've been slackers in attending Mass as a family this summer, not to mention slacking in the prayer department. Trying to get back into the swing of things, I was looking up the Assumption so I could understand it myself in order to explain it to Aidan. (you know, the whole why-we're-going-to-church-on-a-Friday thing).
For those interested:
The Feast of the Assumption celebrates both the happy departure of Mary from this life by her natural death, and her assumption bodily into heaven.
... the Assumption is a principal feast of the Blessed Virgin and a Holy Day of Obligation -- one of the most important feasts of the Church year.
Mary's tomb was presumably found in Jerusalem. It is believed that Mary died in the presence of all the Apostles, but that after her burial, her tomb, when opened, was found empty. Therefore, they concluded that her body had been taken up (assumed) into heaven.
Related links:
Suggested Family Activities
Responding to People Who Do Not Believe in Mary's Assumption
Thanks for posting this. We are going tonight at 6. Now, we need those prayers coming our way...BOTH boys will be in Mass with us. There will not be a nursery available tonight. This should be interesting! he he
thanks for sharing this! The boys and I will be going to 7pm Mass tonight, and since Alex is taking a nap right now, hopefully they will be good! And don't feel too bad about stuff, we haven't been doing too good either with going to Mass.
Oh and would you mind saying a quick little prayer for Jason's safe travels tonight?? I'd really appreciate it!
Hi sharon! This is Sara from the babywearer group and st. joe's. I had your blog saved forever ago and I would read it but I never had one of my own to leave you comments but now I do! I hope you don't mind if I add you to my links?
I completely forgot about the feast of the assumption, i am so mad at myself! I am usually the one reminding everyone in my family :( We haven't been the greatest about going to church either this summer. I saw Brennan in the nursery one week though. The boys are just too rowdy for church now, people give us mean looks so I"ve been using the nursery. I'll be happy when Sunday School starts again! Did you sign Aiden up?
Well I won't make this super long, but I thought I'd say hi!
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