At least today, since it's National Relaxation Day.
Yes, you read that correctly: August 15th is National Relaxation Day. I find it to be quite fitting that it falls on a Friday this year. ;) Easier to relax on the start of the weekend, right?
I relaxed plenty before having kids. Now it's not so easy, but I will find a way to relax with the kids today. After all, it's good for you.
"Did you know that it is not only fun to relax but it's actually vital to a healthy lifestyle? Life is stressful! Have you seen the news lately? There are always so many things to do and never enough hours in the day. We prioritize and compartmentalize and organize and we try to squeeze each and every minute of the day to its fullest. Are you penciling "Rest Time" in your day planner? Our bodies and our minds need time to rest, to recover from a day's events and recuperate so we can feel energized and ready to begin a new day. While those workaholics among us may see it as slacking off, it's actually a great way to be more productive. When you take a reasonable amount of time for rest and relaxation, you can come back with more gusto and oomph (I only say words like "oomph" at 2 am). When you push yourself too hard, you become burnt out and sluggish and you will not be as productive. So sit back and relax and take some time to honor National Relaxation Day."
I'm sold! I'll honor away. Hmm...maybe I'll skip out on the laundry and dishes today. Heck, I'll even skip shaving in the shower!

Or does that make me a failure?
The irony is that today is also National Failures Day.
They fall on the same day. (who designates these holidays, anyway?)
Coincidence? I think not.
I prefer the point-of-view from this article, though:
"Failures are often about perception as well. A failure to one person may look different in the eyes of another."
Certainly true. Some think I failed because I got married at 23. Others think I failed because I stay home with my kids. I think I failed with Weight Watchers because I've been gaining weight.
Reading on:
"Was there times that what you thought was a failure turned out to be a blessing in disguise? Has someone ever accused you of being a failure and it motivated you to prove them wrong? In what ways have the failures of others affected your life? When you look at your failures, have you learned from them? If given the chance to do it all over again, would you change anything?"
Yes sir & ma'am. In areas I felt I've failed, I've learned I actually succeeded. And in ways others think I failed, I feel I came out a winner. It all boils down to finding the good in the bad, or the benefit from a challenge.
So today, on National Relaxation Day & National Failures Day, I'm honoring the holidays. ;)
How about you?
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