Tuesday, September 09, 2008

ABCs of Homemaking Meme

Thanks to Vicki for this one. :) And as she said, "who wrote this meme, my Great-Grandmother (God rest her soul)?".
Without further ado...

Aprons - Y/N? If yes, what does your favorite look like?
I don't own an apron. Ironically, both of my boys do.

Baking- Favorite thing to bake?
Brownies. I can never resist licking the batter.

Clothes line - Y/N ?
Never! I suppose maybe in times of emergency or absolute desperation, but I don't find it appealing to show my laundry to all my neighbors.

Donuts - Have you ever made them?
Actually yes. My mom makes awesome homemade donuts, and I remember making them with her.

Everyday - One homemaking thing you do everyday.

Freezer - Do you use a deep freeze?
No, but I want one.

Garbage Disposer Y/N?
Prefer it, but our current place does not have one.

Handbook - What's your favorite homemaking resource
Different blogs? Or my mother?

Ironing - Love it or Hate it?
HATE it. Rarely do it.

Junk Drawer - Y/N? If yes, where is it?
Way too many. I dream of organization.

Kitchen - color & decorating scheme.
Right now outdated crap our landlord chose, reflecting of the 80's. I'd prefer a brighter kitchen of yellow paint with maybe some white cupboards.

Love - what is your favorite part of homemaking?
My family that fills the home.

Mop - Y/N?
Yes, though not as frequently as I should. Swiffer all the way!

Nylons, machine or hand wash?
Neither. I rarely wear them, so I toss them when I need to either wash them or wear them next.

Oven - Do you use the window or open the oven to check?
Open the oven.

Pizza - what do you put on yours?
Right now my favorite is the Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ from Vito's. Other than that, cheese & pepperoni.

Quiet - what do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?
Watch one of the many shows stored in my dvr, waste time online, plan menus or grocery lists.

Recipe Card Box - Y/N?
I store things online.

Style of house - what style is your house?
Right now a 2-story townhouse-lower half is brick, siding on top.

Tablecloths and napkins?
Inexpensive tablecloth, paper towels for napkins.

Under the kitchen sink - organized or toxic wasteland?

Vacuum - how many times per week?
At least once a day!

Wash - how many loads of laundry do you do per week?
1-2 a day.

X's - Do you keep a daily list of things to do that you cross off?
I have the Motivated Moms planner. When I actually print it off, it goes on my fridge and I cross things off. I find that to be satisfying.

Yard - Who does what?
Right now the landlord, but I enjoy cutting the grass. Pulling weeds...nope.

ZZZ's - What is your last homemaking task for the day before going to bed?
Putting clothes into the dryer and starting the dishwasher.

If you play along, let me know!


Andrea said...

These things are way to fun to read. Maybe I should play along!!!!

DEHausfrau said...

I couldn't resist...
My Contribution

DEHausfrau said...

To respond to: "Are you guys just that tidy, or does your dh just cover that?" - Personally, I'm a mess and don't see the clutter. DH is the opposite - I keep threatening to sign him up for FLY Lady because he would really be into it...