Happy Birthday to you, Erin!

We started off as classmates in the same Phonics class (Education Majors), then becoming good friends in 1999 when we were in Austria together.
Eventually our friendship of "good" friends developed into "best" friends, and back on the regular campus we were known to be inseparable. Erin & Sharon, Sharon & Erin...
Most of my best college memories involve Erin. ;)
In Austria, it was sneaking into the guys' room- Room 300- to steal bits of their Millennium Milka Bar. Then later enjoying too much white wine in Assisi, putting American Songs to match a nun figurine. (Remember?)
We were roommates, friends, and in 2003 officially became family. (Erin married my brother)
Time & distance may have separated us some, but I still love ya like a sister!
I do hope that one day we can be closer, closing in the miles that separate us, allowing us to get to know each other better as family, mothers, and friends once again.
Have a great birthday, Erin!
To make this fun, I'm sharing some oldies but goodies, of course: ;)
(above: Erin & I enjoying some drinks at Urs bar, Gaming, Austria)

Happy Birthday Erin!!! :)
Awww thanks! That was so sweet. Those are some great pictures!
We were known as Sherin :)
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