Monday, September 29, 2008

Manic Monday

This is my momentary sanity break. Join me. (Manic Monday found here)

What is the most useful gift you’ve ever been given?
Tough question. I want to say my family. If we're supposed to name an actual physical object we've been given, I'd go with the plant ticket to Europe for a semester. I learned so much about myself that semester, traveled to many different countries, and made some amazing memories. I could have never done it without my parents giving me that plane ticket.

Name the most terrifying moment of your life so far.
Either post-partum after Aidan was born, when I was having some pretty scary thoughts, or when I was having my miscarriage. In the one instance, I was scared of myself. The other, my body scared me.

One hot summer afternoon, while walking through a parking lot at a large shopping center, you notice a dog suffering badly from the heat inside a locked car. What would you do?
I'm not a pet-lover, but I would probably go to Mall Security or Customer Service w/ the license plate number. Hopefully the owner would get paged and tend to the dog.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you're week is off to a good start. :)


Diana_CT said...

I always wished that I took some time off after graduation to travel.

Have a great week :)

Amy said...

Hey?! Where's our menu plan for the week? Now my family will be doomed to a week of Kraft Mac-n-Cheese, scrambled eggs and Papa John's Pizza. I'll have to come back to answer the questions later.

Gabriel said...

Interesting answers. Sorry it took me so long to come over here! :-)