McCain has secured my vote now most especially because of Sarah Palin. (Obama was never getting my vote, but I was never thrilled over McCain).
Go here to read some clever Sarah Palin facts.
My favorite from the above link:
Sarah Palin wears three quarter length sleeves to keep from getting blood on her clothes when she kills liberals.
Moving on, another reason I love her:

A baby-wearing momma! (H/t Carol for the picture)

As we were watching her speech my husband turned to me and said, "Honey, I confess, I think I have a crush on that woman."
To which I replied, "It's OK... so do I!"
(And the First Dude is pretty easy on the eyes too!)
Oh, Sharon... this makes me sad. You're not voting for Palin - you're voting for McCain. If she runs for office in a few years, vote for her then, but don't vote for McDillWeed to get her in as veep. :(
In choosing between Obama and McCain, there is NO WAY Obama would get my vote. Ever.
There are many, many other choices. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. John McCain is evil.
How is voting for McCain evil?? Did you watch ANY of the RNC??? My first choice was Huckabee but it's just not going to happen for him. Support McCain because HE represents our Party!! Having Palin as his running mate should really clear up any doubts of McCain.
whoa, didn't read the last comment. Many other choices??? NO-there is e choice: McCain & Palin. Set down your fairytale cocktail & know the facts.
You can have the crush on Palin. I call dibs on the fisher-dude hubby of hers!
I was wondering what is so evil about McCain as well? I'm all about voting for him, even though he wasn't my first choice there is no way on earth I'd vote for Obama.
Sharon! I'm like Palin as well and I'm seeing here all over the blogosphere because she's a babywearer. I hear she's very pro-breastfeeding as well. Not that I now for sure, that's what I hear!
No, y'all are right. Talking about war like it's some big damn joke isn't evil at all. Let's sing more about war to the tune of other Beach Boys songs. I prefer "I wish they all could be kamikaze boys."
Obama is equally evil, don't get me wrong. I consider being pro-abortion as evil as being pro-war. There are other choices besides Obama and McCain. Don't give me this "know the facts" crap. Don't start the snark parade because it's not welcome.
McCain didn't choose Palin for her politics. He chose her for her va-jay-jay. It was a calculated political choice, one to bolster his campaign and lure Hilary devotees, not one to make him suck less as a president.
PS if y'all had questions about McCain before, y'all should still have them now. Palin isn't going to be running the country. McCain is. *gag* He's still the same guy he was before he chose Palin as a running mate.
You're right. I don't want the snarkiness in this post, especially because I consider you a friend, if even only online to date.
I guess for me it boils down to Obama Vs McCain. Sure, other minor men/women may be in the running, but to me it seems like they have such a little chance of actually winning, that it's almost a wasted vote.
No offense or anything like that.
And perhaps I sound ignorant. I admit to some of my ignorance-I don't enjoy following politics that much, and especially political commercials drive me insane.
However, I don't see Ron Paul having a true chance of winning this election, nor any of the previous listed Republican candidates. I wish it didn't boil down to Obama & McCain, but in my eyes, that is the choice to make. I would rather cast my vote for McCain than not vote at all, for the chance of countering a vote for Obama. Does that make sense?
I will politely hope to agree to disagree on this issue, as McCain isn't my top choice, either.
And aside from McCain, I am still very impressed w/ Palin and how well she handles herself. I love seeing a woman active in politics, and that woman NOT being Hillary.
John McCain is NOT pro-war-he will do everything in his power to protect our country, just like Bush. McCain is a Vet himself, a former POW even. I can't begin to imagine what it is like to say goodbye to a spouse being deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. I try to remember though that is what our military IS for. My kids & I pray every night for all the troops to come home & the war to end. Some of the best decisions are calculated ones. I bet McCain wouldn't deny it. I do believe however, that he looks to Palin more than just for her vagina. What an insult to her, she is an intelligent PERSON who has a substantial background in government. As far as her being probreastfeeding-yeah for all you Mommies but let's focus on the issues!!
Sharon, you're my friend. :P
Saying that you're voting for McCain mostly because he's not Obama ensures that we'll never have anything but a two-party system in this country, and you'll always have to vote for someone not because you want to but because you're NOT voting for "the other guy." This isn't a horse race - you won't win anything if you vote for the winner of the outcome. If you vote for someone with whom you agree on all of the issues, or most of them, whether or not they have a chance, you'll vote with a clear conscience.
Sue, I agree about the breastfeeding and looking more at the real issues. I was just pointing that out because it seems that it's all the talk. =) Plus I'd rather have a woman that at least knows what breasts are really for than someone who doesn't. =)
Yep, definitely crushing on Sarah Palin here, too.
I think she may even make it to the list.
And John McCain is not evil. He sacrificed five years of his life in a Vietnamese POW camp. To call him evil is just foolish. Those five years should have at least bought him some respect from every American.
Sharon, I also think she is great. She will be a wonderful Vice President. I am very excited that McCain chose her as a running mate. This is a step in the right direction for women all over the US especially moms. Sarah is a Christian, pro-life, pro-family conservative leader. We could use someone like her in Washington. Great post! Thank you for sharing!
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