Sunday, November 30, 2008

Light the Advent Candle One...

Anyone else remember that song being played in Church a lot as a kid?
It seems it was always played, every year, every Sunday during Advent.
It's hard to believe it's officially Advent. It's the New Year in the Church. A new opportunity to do our best, grow in our spiritual lives, and notice our blessings more. How fitting that Advent begins right after Thanksgiving.

Our Advent wreath is on the table, candles in place. We will bless our wreath and do our Advent prayers as a family with dinner. (I refer to this site for prayers and ideas)

Do you have any family Advent traditions that you practice?

As hard as it is to believe that it's already Advent, it's that hard to think tomorrow starts December. If the years were racing, 2008 would win for going by the fastest.
It still feels like we just drove back from visiting South Carolina last year over Christmas!
Now here I am, with my two boys so much bigger, so much more mature.
Here is my husband working incredibly hard, having his first semester of grad school almost completed.
And here I am, stressing over which school should be Aidan's school for kindergarten. I'm looking at pottys again as Brennan is showing interest.
Time is flying by.

Hopefully this Advent we can slow down, just enough, to embrace this last month of 2008, as we await Christmas and the hope that Jesus' birth brings.


Bethany said...

Happy Advent! When I lived at home we had a little advent ritual each night-- so fun! :) Have you heard of Jotham's Journey? It it an Advent story for kids- Aidan might be old enough for it, actually, since the youngest kids in my family really enjoyed it!

Jena Webber said...

Happy MPM. Thanks for coming to my blog. Nice menu.