Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Let the Research Begin

Topic: Full Day Vs. Half Day Kindergarten

I went to half day kindergarten back in 1985. I've done just fine.

When I did my student teaching in 2002, it was full day kindergarten. The students seemed just fine.

Aidan starts kindergarten this fall.

If he goes to our public school, it's only half day, with full day available for a tuition rate of $300/month. (yikes)
If he goes to our parish school, it's only full day kindergarten.

Prior to having children, I never thought twice about full day kindergarten. My teacher-point-of-view on it was OK -good.
Now that I'm a mom, my point-of-view is questioning-fair.

Research seems to be saying otherwise, but I'm just not sure. I've only just begun.
So I'm researching.
Care to voice your opinion?


Unknown said...

Ethan went half-day the first half of K, full-day second half, he did ok being at school but of course both had there drawbacks for many reasons. If his first school would have given the option of full-day, we may have chosen that because how much he loves school and wanted to go. I say, you meet the teachers if possible, check out the programs and look at how Aidan is in preschool right now. IF he's tired or irritable after a few hours at preschool, he may do the same after just half day K, and not do well in fullday K(because of being tired, or it being more than 3 hours at school), but he will also be a full 8+ months older than he is now and could do great! Every kid is different and just follow your instints, You will make the right choice. You've already done such a great job!!

Sue said...

I didn't like that Haleigh was going all day but she loved it & quickly adjusted. Aidan seems to be like Haleigh & loves school. They did have 30 min. rest time and a longer recess. Public schools here are all-day. It's nice you still have the option up there. You could always change him after Christmas if he doesn't like it. You'll make the right choice! :) I wouldn't research it too much, Aidan is a little guy & he'll tell you what works for him.

Mandy said...

I assume this is 5K, right?

I plan on sending my boys to full day 5K at our parish. I say that and then I may change my mind to keeping them with me at the school we are ALL currently attending (I teach there, Frick is in 3K and Frack is in young 3s). If they go to my school, it will be 8:30-12:30. I kinda wanted them in the parish school b/c we live in a different county. I wanted the kids to make friends from the get go.

Crystal is right...follow your instincts. He will grow up so much this summer. It just stinks b/c you have to make your decision now with registration.

Bethany said...

Ok, well I don't have a parent's perspective, obviously... but at our school, the majority of K's are full day. Most of the kids in that majority are kids that are totally able and ready to do a full day of K. However, there are some that are just "younger" (not necessarily age- wise, but you know what I mean) and sooo not ready, I feel they are being pushed to be all day just because of their age, but they're not quite ready. We have a few families in our school that have the kids go to half-day K and also consider themselves home schoolers, which I think is kind of cool! Follow your instincts, though...definitely! You'll make the right choice for Aidan and your family :)

Amy said...

We considered our only choice to be the Catholic school, which meant our only choice for K was full-day. For that reason, we waited until Charlie was 6 to start him b/c I didn't think he could be engaged for a full day at 5 (he made the cut-off by 1 day). My other two have February bdays and seemed/seem to handle full day just fine.

From an "operational" standpoint, 1/2 day K when you have another little one at home is a PITA. Seems you have to pick up or drop off right in the middle of nap time.

Lynette3boys said...

I think it totally depends on each individual child. I would have loved for my son to go all day for selfish reasons, but I think he does so much better with just a half day. It breaks him in for the rest of his school life.

Stacey said...

I don't think it's bad or good for all kids, or for kids overall. If Ace had to do a full day's worth of anything, he'd suck at it.

Think of how practical it'd be for y'all. Does Aidan still need a nap? If he does, how easily would he give it up if you were just able to put him to bed a little earlier? When does Brennan nap? If he's napping when you'd have to pick Aidan up from school, how amenable would he be to switching around his nap time? Where do babies come from?

Okay, I just threw that one in for fun, but still. Don't look at it from a researching perspective, and from a "I did it and I was fine" perspective. Think of how it'd work for Aidan.

Anonymous said...

I wish we had the option. He will have to attend full time. I'd like to send him part time. 5 years old seems so young for a full day to me.


Amy said...

My DD goes to our parish school, which only offers half-day K. DD's K teacher actually wants to have full day "academically based classes" (her phrase), and has asked parents to request this of the school.

K is much more academic than preschool already- there's homework and report cards and no recess. For my DD, I think half a day is plenty.

Mojavi said...

didn't they start offering this because there are so many dual income families kids were just going from school to daycare anyway?

Mojavi said...

didn't they start offering this because there are so many dual income families kids were just going from school to daycare anyway?

Andrea said...

I think full days are a joke.