Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Good Deals + Playing the Shopping Game

I'm easily amused and entertained. I get giddy over small things, like naps, bite sized chocolates, my kid being in our church bulletin...you get the idea.

So without fail I'm feeling giddy over some recent deals.
In our course to become debt free the Dave Ramsey way, I'm aiming to be more resourceful, frugal, and just pay better attention so as to maximize our means.

I'm not nearly as impressive as some of those bloggers out there, where I'd get paid to buy something, or where I calculate the total meal per person. Maybe one day, but I'm just not there right now.

Here is how I feel impressed, though:

Remember how I posted that we're nearly finished our Christmas shopping?
We shopped when Toys R Us was having their Fisher Price-buy 2, get 1 free sale. So we bought the Imaginext dragon castle, the Little People Fire Station, and a Trio building set. The Trio set was the least costly item, so that was free. Before that became the free item, though, I had printed the $5 coupon from their site, so we had a free item + $5 off. I was pleased enough with that. :)

Then last weekend the Toys R Us Big Toy Book came out (holiday toy catalog). I was skimming through it and noticed the Imaginext castle we bought was going to be on sale for $10 less. We waited until the sale started, and sure enough on Sunday morning we went there and they honored the price adjustment! I was surprised. Pleasantly surprised. Buy 2 get 1 free, + $5 coupon, + $10 price adjustment. Woo-hoo!!!

Good Deal #2:
Giant Eagle had some yummy red meat on sale, buy one, get on free. (Giant Eagle is like Publix around here. The cleanest, freshest, most organic, etc). We rarely eat red meat, so having it is a treat.
I took advantage last week, and I bought just shy of 7 pounds of pot roast beef for $13. I have 2 delicious, red meat-pot roasts in my freezer! I can't wait. Pot roast is more of a "special occasion" meal for us, so I'm excited.

To make it even better, (Good Deal #3), Meijer has 10-pound bags of potatoes for $1.69 on sale! Perfect timing! Got my beef on sale, now my potatoes, too.

I was resourceful at Meijer yesterday. I bought about $85-$90 worth of groceries and only spent $41.42.
I used my coupons combined w\ sale prices. It helps that Meijer doubles coupons up to $0.50. I saved $10.87 yesterday in coupons alone. That put a smile on my face, especially because they were all for items we'd normally buy.

It's the little things that make me happy.
I don't bring any money in, but I can sure do my part to make the money coming in go farther.
Scoring good deals and being responsible for finding those deals...yup, makes me happy.

Have you had any good frugal find lately?
What is your Christmas shopping progress?


Bethany said...

Christmas shopping = zip. Haven't started! ;)

Shopping...haven't done any of that recently either, other than the fireproof box! No grocery shopping, either. I need to start using coupons @ Meijer!

Sue said...

frugal shopping is the only way I can shop now! tomorrow will be the test-grocery shopping!!!

It will nice when I bring in an income!!!!!!

Unknown said...

speaking of meijer and coupons...check out the meijer website, they have a mealbox thing, and it gives you coupons to print out for some items. They are meijer coupons so you can use them in addition to manufacturer coupons! just have to check it every couple of weeks. so if you find a skippy p.b. coupon (for example) from skippy for 0.50 off, and meijer meal box coupon for 0.50 off you would end up saving 1.50! just another thought for you. Loving the coupons though right now! Found some awesome target toy coupons to double up with hasbro and leapfrog coupons for some great Christmas deals!! So going shopping over the next couple of weeks...